Academic Supports

Academic Advising

Academic Advising offers students support with program planning and course selection from the beginning to the end of your University journey. Contact your Academic Adviser to get help with academic requirements and find resources for you.


The University of Victoria Libraries has a universe of key resources for you.  Librarians can help you find what you need and direct you to the best sources of information.

Centre for Accessible Learning

If you are looking for accessibility services, or face a learning disability, mental health issue or other long-term physical or sensory challenges and need academic accommodations, Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) can help address barriers to your education.

Centre for Academic Communication

The Centre for Academic Communication (CAC) helps to build and enhance your academic skillset. Our team is available to coach you in managing your time, setting goals and sustaining focus during busy periods. We can also help you craft polished papers, deliver captivating presentations and build skills to retain information for your exams and assessments.

Math and Stats Assistance Centre

This Centre (MSAC) offers help in 100 and 200 level Math and Stats courses. Currently, they are offering online support through Brightspace.


Subject Specific Help

 Get help with your courses in specific areas, such as Physics, Economics and Computer Science.


Language Skills

If you are a UVic undergraduate or graduate student who has learned the English language in addition (EAL) to your first language or are multilingual, we offer support specific to EAL needs through the Centre of Academic Communications (CAC). We can help with your academic reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.


The Ombudsperson offers independent, impartial and confidential support with resolving student concerns. They can help you understand your options, rights and responsibilities, assist with appeal procedures and facilitate communication where appropriate.

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