ePorfolio Resources for Students

Privacy and security

Here are a few safety and security tips to consider when developing your ePortfolio.

Consider Limiting Access to Your ePortfolio

  • Most ePortfolio platforms allow you to limit access to who can view, edit and publish content
  • An ePortfolio set to public access will allow anyone with Internet to view your content– this means it may be misused or seen by potential employers
  • Use privacy settings to help limit access
    • you can do this by granting access to certain individuals, allowing access to only those at UVic [if you are using a UVic platform such as the Online Academic Community or BrightSpace], or simply have pages password protected and distribute the password to those who you want to allow access

Information to Avoid Sharing

Address of residence
Including your address puts you at risk of assumptions about who you are based on where you live and also can put your personal safety at risk.   If someone needs to know where you are, you can list the city, province and country, or they can contact you to get more information if they need it.

 University Student Number

If an instructor or staff member needs your V-Number, they can contact you directly or match your name up with your V-Number in the UVic registration system.

Personal Photos & Photos of Others
If you plan to share photos of others (even friends, family or those you work with), you will need to gain written permission to share their photos. You should also be especially mindful if you are posting photos of people from marginalized populations or those who would assume their right to privacy (such as those who are patients at a medical clinic, participating in programs for people who are homeless or living in poverty, etc).  Also be sure to be mindful about sharing personal photos that might not be reflective of your professional values and also you run the risk of your photo being misused without your permission. 

Using Strong Passphrases

Choose a passphrase that is between 8 and 30 characters long:

  • Don’t repeat numbers or sequential keyboard characters in your passphrase (such as 1234, 111, qwerty)
  • If possible, include at least two of the following: lowercase, uppercase, digits or special characters (such as %, #, _)
    • Don’t include any personal information in your passphrase (such as first or last name, date of birth, etc.
  • Use a passphrase manager, such as KeePass to remember unique passphrases.
  • Don’t reuse passphrases across different services or store passphrases in plain sight on your device.

Creating accessible content

When you are designing your ePortfolio, it is important to consider that there are a variety of users who may be interested in reviewing the content.  ePortfolios should be designed to be read by a variety of different people who have differing abilities and knowledge, so being mindful of doing inclusive design is important.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the internationally accepted standard for producing web accessible content. It is referenced in legislation around the world and BC will be introducing legislation soon that requires compliance in the education field. UVic has plans to also offer resources on this soon (and we will update a link to this information when it is available).

One of the most useful entry points for people who are creating content to share online is W3C Resources for Content Writers.

The University of Waterloo also offers a list of web accessibility basics that could also be a helpful resource.

UVic also offers resources and training for students in need of adaptive technologies: UVic training and resources for Adaptive Technologies.

Sample ePortfolios

If you are a UVic student with an ePortfolio that is interested in sharing it as an example for other students to learn from, please contact the Community-Engaged Learning office.

David Chan

David Chan is a 4th-year Commerce student with a specialization in entrepreneurship. He describes himself as a facilitator aiming to cultivate an environment that emphasizes collaboration and input from everyone. His interest is in entrepreneurship, culture, design and strategy. He created this ePortfolio with Wix for COM 405, Career Preparation Across Borders. His ePortfolio includes examples of projects, a resume and an “about me” page. David also shares some of his photography work which is one of his hobbies. View ePortfolio

Hannah Estabrook

This ePortfolio is an example of a fourth-year student who developed it on the Online Academic Community website to help her reflect on her studies at UVic and develop a sense of future career goals.  For graduation purposes, her portfolio is mostly about transferable skills and the most important learnings from her courses and experiences at UVic. View the ePortfolio

Julia Scheuer

Julia Scheuer is in the Bachelor of Education program, with a focus on elementary education and she developed her ePortfolio using an OpenETC site. Julia originally designed the site specifically to meet course requirements for the Technology and Innovation in Education course (EDCI 336). This course encouraged her to explore an open-ended inquiry of her own choosing and you will see this work labelled as her “passion project” on her ePortfolio, where she chose to focus on health and beauty because she wanted to engage herself in a topic that was of interest in her daily life. Julia also decided to include in her ePortfolio some work required for another course, Physical Education for General Classroom Teachers II (EPHE 311), where she was required to create an online e-portfolio that was then shared in a one-on-one interview with an educator in a local school district. She chose to set this aspect of her ePortfolio private, sharing it only with those she grants access. View ePortfolio

Kailee Verrin

Kailee Verrin is in the Bachelor of Education program with a focus on elementary education.  Her ePortfolio uses the OpenETC platform and was originally designed for coursework.  She continues to use her site as a tool for reflection on her educational experiences and a way to collect and share resources for elementary teaching. View ePortfolio

Nevada Prinz

Nevada Prinz describes herself as a persistent and inquisitive visual communicator with a knack for creative and resourceful solutions. She is a storyteller, problem solver and a learner. Her ePortfolio includes examples of her creative skills and a resume that details her experience, skills, education, awards and accomplishments, and volunteer and extracurricular experience. She is working towards a Bachelor of Commerce from the Gustavson School of Business and created her ePortfolio using HTML + CSS and hosted through Netlify for COM405: Career Prep Across Borders. View ePortfolio

Paula R.C.

This ePortfolio is an example of a fourth-year international student who developed a site on the Online Academic Community website to record her experiences and reflections as a content editor co-op for a local publishing branch. Note: this student has chosen to keep her site private and only open to UVic community members. 

View ePortfolio

Scott Spanier

Scott Spanier is a graduate from the Gustavson School of Business, has a passion for social entrepreneurship and created this ePortfolio using Wix for Com405. His ePortfolio shows a combination of academic, professional, and personal information, with descriptions of past experiences, his personal values and his vision for the future. Scott welcomes students to reach out to him by filling in the contact form on his website if you are looking for advice. View ePortfolio

Caoimhe Laird

Caoimhe Laird received her Bachelor of Commerce degree from the Gustavson School of Business, where she double-specialized in International Business and Service Management. She created the following ePortfolio with Wix.com for COM 405 – Career Preparation, to give people in both her profession and personal life a better idea about her approach to work and life that goes beyond a standard cover letter or resume. She aims to capture those aspects of herself in this ePortfolio. She starts by asking herself three questions: Have you been active today? Did you get outside today? Have you shown someone kindness today? View ePortfolio

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