The Competition

“Over 30 teams from universities across the US and around the world will be competing in the SDC. Each team has designed a complex tall building model made from balsa wood that will be tested on a shaking table. Student teams are judged on their oral design presentation, their summary poster, the model’s architectural design, their ability to fit within the design criteria and constraints, their analytical prediction of their model performance, and the response of their model during shaking table testing.” – EERI Website (

Attending the Seismic Design Competition is the overall goal of the Seismic Design Team each year, as the competition allows students to experience working hands on with designing and constructing a structure which resists seismic loading and fulfills the design constraints. The Seismic Design Competition is the culmination of all the work which goes on behind the scenes to promote the study of earthquake engineering among undergraduate students and allows students to enhance their educational experience.

Uvic Seismic is preparing for the 2025 SDC. For more information about our current efforts or to get in contact with us please feel free to reach out through one of the methods outlined in the contact tab.

See the team’s past competition structures in the Design Menu.