Thank You, Mentors!

Thank you very much for your willingness to share your classroom knowledge and experience with our UVic teacher candidates. We are excited to welcome you. The Faculty of Education is committed to the development of educators who are capable, autonomous, reflective, intellectually engaged and critically alert, committed to learning as a life-long pursuit, proactively sensitive to the diversity that is a fundamental aspect of our society, and who are willing to be advocates for the children they teach and the profession they represent. As mentors, the time candidates have in the classroom under your direct guidance is vital in this preparation. We recognize the challenges and commitment required to be a mentor and appreciate your willingness to offer both time and expertise with our students. We hope that you will find this work rewarding as you work with the teacher candidates as they gain confidence and skills in your classroom.

The University of Victoria teacher education programs leading to certification are professional in design with the programs seen as preparation in which professional attitudes and instructional approaches are formed.

Our goals are to encourage teacher candidates to:

  • develop a strong understanding of learning and teaching through interweaving theoretical conceptions with practical applications;

  • design and implement educational experiences that meet the needs of all learners;

  • express themselves clearly in both written and oral communication;

  • share ideas in a collegial manner;

  • use interpersonal skills that facilitate learning and communication;

  • reflect on their teaching practice and develop action strategies from their reflection;

  • demonstrate flexibility, innovation, awareness of context, and responsiveness and sensitivity to social issues;

  • participate actively in the process of educational change;

  • commit to professional development, personal development, self-reflection, and growth

Whether you will be working with one or more teacher candidates, your role as mentor is critical to the development and success of these future teachers.  As you share your expertise, insights, knowledge, lived experiences and philosophies with these future teachers and model classroom practices designed to support teaching and learning, you play an integral role in shaping our future teachers. We encourage you to collaborate with these students in a variety of ways during the time they work with you. Enabling them to have a variety of opportunities and experiences in the classroom will support their development as teachers and our future colleagues. You play a key role in helping that to happen.

Once again, thank you for agreeing to be a mentor.  We value your contribution enormously and look forward to supporting you in any way that we can.


Todd Milford, Chair

Department of Curriculum & Instruction