Why Appeal? ft. Submissions Department’s Hilary Mutch


Curious about Appeal? Wonder what it’s like to work on a law journal? Join podcast host Sarah Lachance in this new mini-series as she interviews different members of Appeal’s editorial board to learn more about the different departments,  roles, and all the reasons you should get involved in the journal. Tune in this week to hear Hilary Mutch share her experience as a member of the Submissions Department and her thoughts on why you should get involved in Appeal!

Host/Producer/Editor: Sarah Lachance (she/her)
Theme Music: Jeremy Marsan jeremymarsan.com
Special Thanks: Nicola Watts, CFUV 101.9 FM CFUV.ca
Website: onlineacademiccommunity.uvic.ca/stareindecisis
Contact: appealpodcast@gmail.com
Facebook: @appealreviewofcurrentlawandlawreform
Twitter: @AppealLawReview