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Contact Us

Please contact us via email if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for the website.

Camas Eriksson

Is a fourth year undergraduate student, completing a double major in History and Environmental Studies. Her main focus in each major, respectively, is military history (with a special interest in oral history) and political ecology. This project was a refreshing change of pace. Email: camasclo[at]

Courtney Reynoldson

Is a fourth year undergraduate student who will be graduating in June 2014 with an Honours History degree. Her focus is German history, so she has enjoyed this opportunity to learn more about her own country and read sources in a language she can actually understand. Email: coutrey[at]

Preet Dhaliwal

Is a fifth year History Major and Philosophy Minor student. Her main focus is World Comparative History with a focus on the end of Colonial Rule. She was excited to learn about her Islands history, and to spend hours in the Maritime Museum Archives. 

Email: pkd[a]