by jzilm | Oct 15, 2015 | Events, Open scholarship
When: Friday, October 16, 2015, 2:00pm-3:00pm Where: Room 210, Mearns Centre for Learning-McPherson Library ? Please register here. Knowledge of the history of printing and the book are increasingly relevant across research in the humanities and fine arts....
by jzilm | Oct 14, 2015 | Events, OA policies & mandates
Lunchtime Q&A Session Join us for a free lunchtime Q&A session to learn more about the Tri-Agency Open Access Publication Policy and to discuss UVic resources. Separate sessions will focus on natural sciences and engineering publications (Oct 20), and social...
by jzilm | Aug 4, 2015 | News, Open access, Publishing & research impact
The Modernist Versions Project is pleased to make available a critical edition of Ernest Hemingway's very scarce first major work, in our time: The 1924 Text and "In Our Time" & "They All Made Peace-What Is Peace?": The 1923 Text. A...
by jzilm | Aug 4, 2015 | Events, Open access, Publishing
Brian Hole from Ubiquity Press will be at the University of Victoria on Friday to talk about models for publishing Open Access Monographs. Brian will give a presentation in McPherson Library, Room 219 from 10-11 this coming Friday August 7th. All are welcome. Feel...
by jzilm | Mar 27, 2015 | News
The Grants and Awards Office in the University Librarian's Office supports and enhances the research activities, advancement and community engagement priorities of UVic Libraries, specifically in the areas of grants funding and awards, as well as special projects...