The University of Victoria Libraries is proud to be an essential and integral part of the research life cycle at Vic. To this end, we are doubly proud to announce two new student scholarships which recognize and honor the contributions and achievements of our graduate and undergraduate students, enhancing the sense of personal growth and accomplishment in our academic community.

Named in honor of donor David Flaherty and bequest donor William Petrie, The David Flaherty Undergraduate Student Library Scholarship and The William Petrie Graduate Student Library Scholarship will each annually award one academically outstanding student in any discipline who demonstrates how they have successfully utilized library resources ─ including any print, archival, music, multimedia, or digital resources for a class project, assignment or research paper. To enter, eligible students must submit a 500 word essay explaining their use of library resources. As with other university scholarships, the window for submissions opens April 1 and concludes May 31st. Successful students will be awarded $500 for each scholarship.

In addition to the monetary award, the annual recipients will be recognized through a plaque in the library, and their winning essay will be featured on the Grants and Awards website page, with a link to their paper or project in our institutional repository.

Please distribute information about these scholarships widely to your faculty contacts and students.

For more detailed information about the scholarships' criteria and application process, contact Christine Walde at or visit the Grants and Awards page through the University Librarian's Office on our website.

Christine Walde, MLIS
Grants & Awards Librarian
University of Victoria Libraries
William C. Mearns Centre for Learning – McPherson Library
PO Box 1800 STN CSC, Victoria, BC V8W 3H5 Canada