
Patient-Oriented Research

Patient-oriented research involves incorporating the perspectives of patients, families, health care providers, policy-makers and researchers. The aim of patient-oriented research is to have patient voices incorporated throughout the research process so that patients’ values are fully represented in healthcare decisions.  Below are some further resources where you can learn more about patient-oriented research.

BC SUPPORT (SUpport for People and Patient-Oriented Research and Trials) Unit is part of a national program to help health care research be more relevant and meaningful to patients, so that they get the best possible health care.

Jargon Buster from CIHR provides a glossary of terms that are often heard within health research.  CIHR is the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and oversees nationally funded health research.

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute provides some current examples of studies with a patient-oriented focus.

Patient Centred Measurement Resources

Our study was informed by multiple resources.  Below are two key resources we used throughout our study:

Glossary of Terms

We have put together a glossary of terms that provides background on the methods and key concepts that part of our research study design:  Patient-Centred Measurement in Team-Based Care – Glossary of Terms