
I completed my doctoral degree in 2015 from the UBC School of Nursing. Since this time, I taught for seven years at Vancouver Community College Health Sciences in the BSN Nursing program. I was coordinator for Term five which included coordination and mentorship for five undergraduate courses including NURS 1163 Social Determinants of Health; NURS 3164 Collaboration and Mental health; NURS 3164 (Clinical Mental Health); NURS 3162 (Pathophysiology and Mental Health); NURS 3164 (Clinical) acute psychiatry; NURS 3163 Mental Health Transitions.

Over the past five years I have taught in both undergraduate and graduate courses in the school of nursing in the faculty of Human and Social Development at UVic. Prior to arriving at UVic there were no undergraduate or graduate courses that build competencies in Mental Health. Mental Health is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality globally and constitutes approximately 10% of the global burden of disease according to the World Health Organization In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic there continues to be an increased mental health burden particularly on immigrant, refugee and racialized communities. Mental health and substance use both licit and illicit affect all aspects of nursing care. Over the course of my career, I have strived to advocate and merge my passion for mental health nursing with research and policy. I developed the NURS 3160 Mental Health and Addictions Nursing course which as been adapted and updated for NURS 497 Intersections of Mental Health and Substance Use undergraduate course at UVic School of Nursing (2017-2021). Most if not all of my research and scholarship aims to deepen knowledge about the social dimensions of mental health by mentoring students and building competencies for nursing that can provide culturally safe and trauma informed practices, so as to mitigate systemic and historical harms.


I believe that nursing education should inspire and transform students in theoretical understandings that bring to focus epigenetic and social determinants of mental health and substance use. Importantly this must include theoretical underpinning of cultural safety, trauma and violence informed approaches and harm reduction as an overall ethical commitment. I adopt blended philosophical approaches that include critical pedagogical approaches and appreciate inquiry to ground my teaching philosophy across courses I teach. I believe teaching and learning should be transformative and co-created drawing from our lived experience and reflexive questioning.

Teaching approaches

I adopt an appreciative inquiry and learner centred approach to mentorship of graduate and undergraduate students. This means recognizing that each student has diverse capabilities for engaging in studies that they are passionate about. As a nurse educator I strive to be pragmatic and adopt a praxis approach where students have opportunities to engage in ‘real’ world contexts with communities in which they serve.

Teaching narrative

In order to operationalize my teaching philosophy and approach it is best to provide a pragmatic narrative. The courses I have designed integrate values of social justice and an orientation to health promotion through an appreciative inquiry lens and social activism. In this case I structure the content of classroom and online teaching based on student expertise as well as my own experiences in the field of broader community mental health and public health. Specifically, my teaching style has been to include community-based expertise by providing interactive engagement with community experts including those with lived experience of complex health conditions through in class guest speakers and field community experiences. I also facilitate a co created learning environment where students are able to gain deeper knowledge and insights from each other. Since developing this course over several years, I have continued to refine and update my courses to provide engaged online learning. I value student knowledge and expertise to support a community of learners. Adopting a trauma informed, equity, diversity and inclusion approach I value diversity of learning styles.






I utilize a variety of teaching technologies and computer-based tools such as YouTube; simulation games; videos and podcasts in addition to online group discussion posts. The use of blended learning allows for diversity of learner styles.

I have integrated online simulation games as part of enhancing competencies for mental health nursing. These simulations come from my national collaboration with The Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN) in partnership with the Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators using Simulation (CAN-Sim)

Course Syllabus NURS 350

Course Syllabus NURS 497

I use blended learner approaches such as flipped classrooms where learners have opportunities to engage with material prior to coming to class or online virtual discussions on Brightspace synchronous sessions. This allows learner to check their understanding and learning by applying that knowledge in face-to-face activities.

I have designed the flipped classroom to be part of the NURS 350 course. Learners are assigned to pre readings and engagement with videos; so they come to in person classroom sessions to be able to discuss the material in guided group activities. The flipped classroom forces students to think more deeply, to take responsibility for their learning, and to interact in meaningful ways with others as they actively clarify and try to apply the knowledge.

Course Syllabus NURS 350

“In this syllabus, students have the opportunity for both individual contributions to learning and work in a group to develop skills relevant to community health nursing and community development principles of collaboration and cooperation. The assignments are designed to give students the lived experience of developing and building skills that are indicated as learning outcomes in the course”

Dr. Margaret Scaia Acting Associate Director, Undergraduate Programs and Partnerships, School of Nursing, University of Victoria, October 13, 2021 (see peer evaluation).

I utilize a variety of teaching technologies and computer-based tools such as YouTube; simulation games; videos and podcasts in addition to online group discussion posts. The use of blended learning allows for diversity of learner styles.

Students have a variety of options for assessing learning including writing academic papers; producing an arts-based video or play that integrates core course concepts. I ensure that students have opportunities for group work as well as individual work. For online learning I provide guided weekly questions to facilitate group discussions. This approach helps integrated and apply course concepts e.g., case study.

Course Syllabus NURS 497 “ Nancy has clearly and comprehensively set out core concepts in her curriculum including intersectionality, harm reduction, trauma informed practice and principles of health equity” Dr.Kim Daly Teaching professor and coordinator for undergraduate education UVic School of Nursing (see peer evaluation).