Victoria 2020

Open Scholarship for the 2020s
An INKE-hosted gathering
14-15 January 2020 | #INKEVictoria20
Hotel Grand Pacific, 463 Belleville St, Victoria, BC, Canada

*Please note that a discounted early registration rate is available until November 15th.

Please click here to view or download a password-protected PDF packet of the papers accepted to this gathering. These papers are not for circulation outside of the participant group.

For a recording of Brian Owen’s opening talk on January 14th, please click here. For Lucy Montgomery’s closing talk on the same day, please navigate to this link. Erin Glass’s opening talk on January 15th is available here.


n.b. Program is current as of December 16th 2019, and is subject to change. All proceedings will take place in Victoria, BC, at the Hotel Grand Pacific (463 Belleville St) and Point Ellice House (2616 Pleasant St). All conference proceedings and meetings will occur in Center / West Vancouver Island Ballroom, with lunch served in the adjacent Saturna room. Reception to be held in the South Pender Ballroom. Wikipedia edit-a-thon to be held at Point Ellice House.

We are grateful for the sponsorship, support, and participation of the Advanced Research Consortium, Canadian Association of Research Libraries, Canadian Institute for Studies in Publishing, Canadian Research Knowledge Network, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory,  Compute Canada, Digital Humanities Research Group, Digital Humanities Summer Institute, Edith Cowan University, Electronic Textual Cultures Lab, Érudit, J.E. Halliwell Associates, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences,  Iter, Public Knowledge Project, Simon Fraser University Library, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, University of Victoria Libraries, and Voyant Tools, among others.

Tuesday January 14th (main gathering day)

8.30am to 9.00am: Registration, coffee & light breakfast fare (provided)

9.00am to 9.10am: Territorial acknowledgement and welcome by Barb Hulme (Métis Nation of Greater Victoria)

9.10am to 9.55am: Featured speaker
Chair: Tanja Niemann (Érudit)

  1. Brian Owen (Simon Fraser U), “Community Infrastructure and Support – Local and Global”

9.55am to 10.05am: Coffee break (provided)

10.05am to 10.50am: Lightning session #1 – Community Engagement  
Chair: Constance Crompton (U Ottawa)

  1. Heather De Forest (Simon Fraser U), Kate Shuttleworth (Simon Fraser U), and Aleha McCauley (U British Columbia Library), “Using Scholarly Communication Infrastructure with Communities to Disrupt Information Privilege”
  2. Jon Bath (U Saskatchewan), Michael Peterson (Void Gallery), and the SAEP Project Team, “Building with the Community: Developing the Saskatchewan Arts Engagement Platform”
  3. Lisa Goddard (U Victoria), “Extending Library Infrastructure for Open Knowledge Creation”
  4. Rachel Hendery (Western Sydney U), “Lessons from the Living Lab”

10.50am to 11.00am: Coffee break (provided)

11.00am to 11.45am: Lightning session #2 – Varied Approaches to Open Scholarship  
Chair: Lisa Goddard (U Victoria)

  1. Jon Saklofske (Acadia U), “Gaming the Industry: Exploring Diverse Open Scholarship Models in Digital Game Studies”
  2. Dave Gaertner (U British Columbia), “Open, Closed, Stopped: Towards the Possibility of Decolonial OA”
  3. Rebecca Ross and Jason Friedman (Canadian Research Knowledge Network), “A Strategy for Open”
  4. Alyssa Arbuckle (U Victoria), “How Can We Broaden and Diversify Humanities Research Dissemination?”

11.45am to 12.30pm: Lightning session #3 – Making Space(s) for Open Scholarship
Chair: Jon Saklofske (Acadia U)

  1. Caroline Winter and Randa El Khatib (U Victoria), “Open Social Scholarship 2.0: The ETCL’s Open Knowledge Program”
  2. Verletta Kern and Madeleine Mundt (U Washington Libraries), “The Open Scholarship Commons: Advancing Research for the Public Good”
  3. Matt Huculak (U Victoria) and Charlotte Schallié (U Victoria), “Library-based Digital Student Training for Open Scholarship in Holocaust Studies”
  4. Elizabeth Padilla (BC Institute of Technology), “Collaborative Approaches to Building a Digital Library”

12.30pm to 1.30pm: Lunch break (provided)

1.30pm to 2.15pm: Lightning session #4 – Publishing Practices & Engagement
Chair: Rachel Hendery (Western Sydney U)

  1. John Maxwell (Simon Fraser U), “Pop! A New Way to Think About Journal Publishing”
  2. Heather O’Brien (U British Columbia), “Public Engagement with Academic Research: A Scoping Review”
  3. Bernardo Bueno (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul), “Scriptorium: Creating an Open-Access Creative Writing Journal (in Brazil!)”
  4. Luis Meneses (U Victoria), “The Social Media Engine: Exploring the Possible Implications in Terms of User Engagement”

2.15pm to 3pm: Lightning session #5 – Structuring Open Scholarship
Chair: Jon Bath (U Saskatchewan)

  1. Susan Haigh (Canadian Association of Research Libraries), “Toward Open Scholarship at Scale: Key Initiatives in the Research Library Community”
  2. Dean Seeman (U Victoria), “Public Knowledge as Byproduct: Wikidata in Libraries and Archives
  3. Lynne Siemens (U Victoria), “Comparing and Contrasting the Partner and Academic Perspectives in Humanities-Based Industry-University Partnerships”
  4. Alison Moore and Jennifer Zerkee (Simon Fraser U), “Moving Forward, Looking Back: A Review of SFU’s Open Access Policy 3 Years On”

3pm to 3.15pm: Coffee break (provided)

3.15pm to 4pm: Lightning session #6 – Praxis-based Approaches to Open Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Chair: Lynne Siemens (U Victoria)

  1. Constance Crompton (U Ottawa), “Linked Familiarity: Wikidata and Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations”
  2. Anthony Graesch and Lyndsay Bratton (Connecticut C), “The Kw’éts’tel Project: A Case Study of Integrating Open Scholarship into Research Design”
  3. Caroline Winter, Luis Meneses, Tyler Fontenot, Alyssa Arbuckle, and Ray Siemens (U Victoria), with the ETCL and INKE Research Groups, “Exploring the Possibilities of Digital Research Communities: The Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Commons”
  4. Richard Lane (Vancouver Island U), “Collaboration for Open Scholarship: Digitally Reconfiguring Access to the Canadian War Letters Project for Increased Community Engagement and Research”

4pm to 4.15pm: Coffee break (provided)

4.15pm to 5pm: Featured speaker
Chair: Jonathan Bengtson (U Victoria, Canadian Association of Research Libraries)

  1. Lucy Montgomery (Knowledge Unlatched Research; Curtin U), “Universities as Open Knowledge Institutions”

5pm to 5.10pm: 2020 Open Scholarship Awards announcement by UVic Libraries & ETCL Honorary Resident Wikipedian Erin Glass (UC San Diego)

5.10pm to 5.15pm: Closing comments & wrap-up

  • Ray Siemens (U Victoria) and Alyssa Arbuckle (U Victoria)

5.15pm to 6.30pm: Light reception

Wednesday January 15thINKE Partnership meeting (by invitation only)

8.30am-9am: Coffee & light breakfast fare (provided)

9am-9.05am: Welcome & introduction to day’s proceedings

  • Ray Siemens (U Victoria) and Alyssa Arbuckle (U Victoria)

9.05am-10am: Featured speaker
Chair: John Maxwell (Simon Fraser U, Canadian Institute for Studies in Publishing)

  • Erin Glass (U California San Diego), “Who’s Afraid of Social Scholarship?: A Scholar’s Journey From ‘Delightful Crowds’ to Peggy Noonan’s ‘Struggle Session’”

10am-10.15am: Coffee break (provided)

10.15am-11am: Discussion session

  • Gabriel Miller (Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences), “Supporting the Transition to Open Access: Strategies for Moving Forward Together”

11am-12.00pm: INKE Partnership update on recent initiatives, including the Canadian HSS Commons, Open Scholarship Policy Observatory, and the Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship & Next Steps conversation

  • Ray Siemens (U Victoria), Alyssa Arbuckle (U Victoria), and Rachel Hendery (Western Sydney U)

12.00pm-1pm: Lunch (provided)

1pm-1.10pm: Wrap-up

2pm-5pm: Wikipedia edit-a-thon, Point Ellice House. Registration:

Call for Proposals

Proposals Due: 1 October 2019

Open scholarship is gaining prominence in local, national, and international contexts. 2018 and 2019 brought significant developments worldwide, including cOAlition S’s “Plan S” and the University of California system’s split with major academic publisher Elsevier. The question of open scholarship implementation is raised again and again, however. How is the development of open scholarship shaped? What sort of infrastructure is needed? Who is involved, and what are their roles? Who isn’t involved, and should be? In order to answer these pressing questions, we also need to develop a sense of the variety of open scholarship initiatives and research projects currently under development. Higher education institutions and associated communities are on a trajectory toward more open and more social practices, including active collaboration, community building, and knowledge mobilization. These activities represent opportunities to create knowledge across traditional disciplinary and institutional boundaries, as well as with members of the broader public. Open scholarship in the 2020s has the potential to be more inclusive, dynamic, interdisciplinary, and functional than ever before: how do we get there?

“Open Scholarship for the 2020s” seeks to highlight activities, infrastructure, research, and policies that engage open social scholarship. Open social scholarship involves creating and disseminating research and research technologies to a broad, interdisciplinary audience of specialists and non-specialists in ways that are both accessible and significant. At “Open Scholarship for the 2020s” we will consider how to model open social scholarship practices and behaviour, as well as pursue the following leading questions:

  1. How do we best foster humanities and social sciences (HSS) research, development, community building, and engagement through online, omnipresent, and open community spaces?
  2. How can we adapt existing training opportunities, and develop opportunities in emerging areas, to meet academic, partner, and public needs for open scholarship training?
  3. How can HSS researchers collaborate more closely with the general public? What are the best ways to bring the public into HSS work, as well as for bringing HSS work to the public?
  4. How do we ensure that research on pressing open scholarship topics is accessible to a diverse public, including those who develop organizational or national policy?

We invite you to register for this event and join the discussion during our 7h annual INKE-hosted researcher and partner winter gathering. This event will be held in Victoria, BC, and will provoke conversation and mobilize collaboration in and around digital scholarship, with specific focus on:

  • community building and mobilization
  • shared initiatives and activities
  • digital scholarly production
  • (open) access
  • partnership
  • knowledge dissemination
  • alternative modes and methods, including in academic publishing practices
  • infrastructure
  • shifting from prototype to production
  • social knowledge creation
  • stakeholder roles and activities
  • collaboration
  • available technologies and skills
  • social media
  • public humanities

We invite proposals for lightning papers that address these and other issues pertinent to research in the area, as well as proposals for relevant project demonstrations. Proposals should contain a title, an abstract (of approximately 250 words, plus list of works cited), and the names, affiliations, and website URLs of presenters. Longer papers for lightning talks will be solicited after proposal acceptance for circulation in advance of the gathering. Please send proposals on or before October 1st 2019 via

This action-oriented event is geared toward leaders and learners from all fields and arenas, including academic and non-academic researchers, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, librarians and archivists, publishers, members of scholarly and professional associations and consortia, open source practitioners and developers, industry liaisons, community groups, and other stakeholders. It is a partnered event with the upcoming Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship conference in Newcastle, NSW, Australia titled “Knowledge Creation for the 21st Century.” Taking the success of past years’ INKE-hosted gatherings in Whistler and Victoria as our starting point, we hope to simultaneously formalize connections across fields and open up different ways of thinking about the pragmatics and possibilities of digital scholarship.

Events include:

  • Featured talks by Erin Glass (U California, San Diego), Lucy Montgomery (Curtin U; Knowledge Unlatched Research), and Brian Owen (Simon Fraser U)
  • Lightning talks, where authors present 4-minute versions of longer papers or reports circulated prior to the gathering, followed by a brief discussion (papers may be conceptual, theoretical, application-oriented, and more)
  • Next Steps conversation, to articulate in a structured setting what we will do together in the future

“Open Scholarship for the 2020s” is sponsored by the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. This gathering is organized by Ray Siemens, Alyssa Arbuckle, and John Maxwell, on behalf of the Advanced Research Consortium (ARC),  Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) / Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada (ABRC), Canadian Institute for Studies in Publishing (CISP), Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) / Réseau canadien de documentation pour la recherche (RCDR), Compute Canada, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory (CWRC) / Le Collaboratoire scientifique des écrits du Canada (CSÉC), Digital Humanities Research Group (DHRG; U Western Sydney), Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI), Edith Cowan U, Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL), Érudit, the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Iter, J.E. Halliwell Associates, Lesbian and Gay Liberation in Canada, Public Knowledge Project (PKP), Simon Fraser U Library, the U Victoria Libraries, Voyant Tools, and the Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship, among others, working with our INKE Gathering Advisory Group: Clare Appavoo, Alyssa Arbuckle, Jon Bath, Constance Crompton, Michael Eberle-Sinatra, Laura Estill, Chad Gaffield, Janet Halliwell, Tanja Niemann, Jon Saklofske, Lynne Siemens, and Ray Siemens.

Please consider joining us in Victoria for what is sure to be a dynamic discussion!