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The INKE Partnership for Networked Open Social Scholarship (University of Toronto Scarborough 2016):

Jon Bath (U Saskatchewan), “Networking Networks of Networked Open Social Scholarship: Potential Futures for Online Scholarly Work”

Brian Owen (Simon Fraser U), “Openism and the Open Agenda”

Lynne Siemens (U Victoria), “Knowledge Mobilization and Open Social Scholarship”

Daniel Powell (King’s College London) “Cooperative Creation of Federated Digital Resources”

Jon Saklofske (Acadia U), “Confronting Complexity, Integrating Data and Engaging Publics”

Michael Sinatra (U Montréal), “Open Platform for Public Engagement”

Clare Appavoo (Canadian Research Knowledge Network), “Collaborations in the Digital Scholarly Ecosystem”

Leslie Chan (U Toronto-Scarborough), “Aligning Funding Policies to Foster Open Scholarship”

Stan Ruecker (IIT Institute of Design) “Collaborating on the Show Before the Show” (with Jennifer Roberts-Smith, Joao Ricardo Bruning Alves, Yasmin Galdino Lins De Moura, Filipe Artur Honorato Ferreira De Souza, and Ruanivalson Santos E. Santos)

Aaron Mauro (Penn State Eerie, Behrend C), “Developing the Social Knowledge Timeline”

“E-reading Essentials in a Time of Change and unFixity (2011)” (Dutch National Library, Unbound Book, 2011)

“ETCL and INKE: Work on the Future of Reading (2012)” (UVic research profile, 2012)
“The Interface Implications of Understanding Readers” (2014)

“Reading Tools from a Distance” (2014)

“Wrkflux” (2014)

“MtV – Multitouch Variorum” (2014)

“The DH Experience Game” (2014)

“Sharing a Collection of 15th and 16th Century Books (2012)” (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 2012)

“Rich Prospect Browsing (2011)” (TEDxJuanDeFuca 2011)

“Codex Redux: Books and New Knowledge Environments (2008)” (Association for Computing Machinery CIKM, 2008)

“Digital Humanities 2009 Speed Interview” (lucidwanderer86, 2009)

“Scholarly Interpretation in a Digital World (2011)” (IIT Institute of Design, Chicago, 2011)

“Interventions in the Confluence of Open Access and Social Engagement (2011)” (PKP Conference, Berlin 2011)