Victoria 2009

Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in a Digital Age (October 23-24 2009)

Sponsored by INKE and SSHRC


All sessions take place in the Arbutus Room, in the Cadboro Commons at the University of Victoria ( Support is provided by the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (

Friday, October 23
1.00 pm: Welcome (Andrew Rippin, Dean of Humanities, Ray Siemens, INKE)

1.15-2.45 pm (Session 1): Foundations, Theoretical Frameworks. Chair: Richard Cunningham

1.  Craig Saiper: Simulating Reading: Digital Research Beyond the Database.
2.  Jean Guy Meunier, Pierre Poirier, Jean Danis, and Nicolas Payette: Theoretical Grounding for Computer Assisted Scholarly Reading of Text (CASROT).
3.  Ray Siemens, Richard Cunningham, Alan Galey, Stan Ruecker, Lynne Siemens, Claire Warwick, and the INKE Team: Implementing New Knowledge Environments: Year 1 Research Foundations.

3.00-5.00 pm (Session 2): Function, Application, and Process. Chair: Meagan Timney

4.  Rama C. Hoetzlein: Alternatives to Author-centric Knowledge Organization.
5.  Ethan Hawkley: Where’s Walden?: Searching, Indexing, Reading and Living in the Digital Age.
6.  Serina Patterson: Creating a Virtual Library Classroom Tool for Digital Age Youth.
7.  James MacGregor, Michael Joyce, Brett Hirsch, Cara Leitch, Ray Siemens, Chia-Ning Chiang, and Rick Kopak: Revolutionary Reading, Evolutionary Toolmaking: (Re)development of Scholarly Reading and Annotation Tools in Response to an Ever-changing Scholarly Climate.

6.00 pm – Evening Reception and Dinner (Fifth Street Bar and Wood Fired Grill)

Saturday, October 24
8.00-8.30 am: Coffee, Juice, Muffins

8.30-10.00 am (Session 3): Corpora and GIS Approaches. Chair: Brett Hirsch

8.  Martin Mueller: An English Diachronic Digital Annotated Corpus (EDDAC).
9.  Marc Plamondon: The Lemma and Database Design: Redesigning Representative Poetry Online, Lemmatizing Lexicons of Early Modern English, and Envisioning the Lemmatic Web.
10.  Øyvind Eide: Sound, Ink, Bytes: Geographical Information through the Centuries.

10.15-11.45 am (Session 4): Text, Design, Interface Chair: Stan Ruecker

11.  Alan Galey, Richard Cunningham, Brent Nelson, Ray Siemens, Paul Werstine, and the INKE Group: Beyond Remediation: The Role of Textual Studies in Implementing New Knowledge Environments.
12.  John Bath: Tradition and Transparency: Why Book Design Still Matters in the Digital Age.
13.  Sharon Oviatt: Designing Interfaces that Stimulate Ideational Super-fluency.

11.45-1.00 pm: Lunch

1.00-2.00 pm (Session 5): Presenting Texts Chair: Alan Galey

14.  Jennifer Roberts-Smith, Sandra Gabriele, Stan Ruecker, and Stéfan Sinclair with Matt Bouchard, Shawn DeSouza-Coelho, Diane Jakacki, Annemarie Kong, David Lam, and Omar Rodriguez: The Text and the Line of Action: Re-conceiving Watching the Script.
15.  Brett Hirsch, Stuart Arneil, Greg Newton: “Mark the Play”: Electronic Editions of Shakespeare and Video Content.

2.15-3.15 pm (Session 6): Algorithmic Approaches Chair: Cara Leitch

16.  Stan Ruecker, Geoffrey Rockwell, Milena Radzikowska, Stéfan Sinclair, Christian Vandendorpe, Ray Siemens, Teresa Dobson, Lindsay Doll, Mark Bieber, Michael Eberle-Sinatra, and the INKE Group: Drilling for Papers in INKE.
17.  Patrick Juola: Guessing at the Content of a Million Books.

3.30-5.00 pm (Session 7): Communities, Teams. Chair: Ray Siemens

18.  Aaron McCollough: Bedfellows in Mass Digital Conversion: Ten Years of Text Creation Partnership(s).
19.  Bertrand Gervais and the NT2 Laboratory Team (Bertrand Gervais, Joanne Lalonde, René Audet, Ollivier Dyens; Amélie Paquet, Paule Mackrous, Frédérique Dubé, Alice van der Klei, Amélie Langlois Béliveau and Gabriel Gaudette): The NT2 Hypermedia Art and Literature Directory: A New Knowledge Environment Devoted to the Valorization of Screen Culture.
20.  Lynne Siemens: From Writing the Grant to Working the Grant: An Exploration of Processes and Procedures in Transition.

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2012 Syd Bauman, available under the Creative Commons
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