User Experience

User Experience



At the inception of INKE, 4 foundational research areas were established to examine and explore electronic textuality: Information Management (IM), Interface Design (ID), Textual Studies (TS), and User Experience (UX). These areas were later joined by Modelling & Prototyping (M&P).

User Experience (UX)’s objective was: To advance understanding of how reading texts and using information is affected by digital, multimedia delivery.This objective was proposed to be realized through identifying characteristics of effective reading in electronic environments.

UX asked, “How do new knowledge environments (e.g. online collaboration resources and distributed networks) influence the way we engage information?” This team focused on understanding reading and print culture in order to consider electronic publication. UX also explored how the shifting definitions of “the book” have shaped knowledge, as well as online collaboration in scholarly  production practices.


Teresa Dobson (UBC, current Interface Design member) and Claire Warwick (UC London)

Members & Research-active Partner Representatives

Teresa Dobson (UBC, current Interface Design member), Rick Kopack (UBC), John Willinsky (Stanford U), Ann Blandford (UC London, current Interface Design member), Wendy Duff (U Toronto), David Miall (U Alberta), Michael Eberle-Sinatra (U Montréal), Bertrand Gervais (U de Québec a Montréal), Stan Ruecker (IIT Institute of Design, current Interface Design lead), Milena Radzikowska (Mount Royal U, current Interface Design member), and Claire Warwick (UC London).

Key Publications

  • Galey, Alan, Stan Ruecker, and the INKE Research Group. “How a Prototype Argues.” Literary & Linguistic Computing 24.10 (2010): 405–24.
  • Ruecker, Stan, Geoffrey Rockwell, Milena Radzikowska, Stéfan Sinclair, Christian Vandendorpe, Ray Siemens, Teresa M. Dobson, Lindsay Doll, Mark Bieber, Michael Eberle-Sinatra, and the INKE Research Group. “Drilling for Papers in INKE.” New Knowledge Environments 1.1 (2009): n.p.
  • Ruecker, Stan, Susan Brown, Milena Radzikowska, Stéfan Sinclair, Thomas M. Nelson, Patricia Clements, Isobel Grundy, Sharon Balasz, and Jeff Antoniuk. “The Table of Contexts: A Dynamic Browsing Tool for Digitally Encoded Texts.” The Charm of a List: From the Sumerians to Computerised Data Processing. Ed. Lucie Dolezalova. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2009. 177-87.

Partners & Affiliates

Internet Shakespeare Editions, Public Knowledge Project, Synergies, Nouvelles technologies, nouvelles textualités, Canadian Research Knowledge Network, Ebrary, Incaa Designs, Electronic Literature Organization, Folger Shakespeare Library, and Transliteracies.