Newcastle 2019

Knowledge Creation in the 21st Century: Approaches to Open, Digital Scholarship
A Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship (CAPOS) Gathering
6-7 December 2019 | projects/capos-19/ | #CAPOS19
University of Newcastle NeW Space, Newcastle, NSW, Australia

*Please note that a discounted early registration rate is available until November 1st 2019

Please click here to view or download a password-protected PDF packet of the papers accepted to this gathering. These papers are not for circulation outside of the participant group.


n.b. Program is current as of  November 14th 2019, and is subject to change. All proceedings will take place in XG18 in the NeW Space at Hunter St & Auckland St, Newcastle, NSW. Light reception at Coal & Cedar to follow.

We are grateful for the sponsorship and support of the University of Newcastle and their Centre for 21st Century Humanities in facilitating this event, as well as the support and participation of the Analysis and Policy Observatory, Australasian OA Strategy Group, Australasian Research Data Commons, Council of Australian University Librarians, Edith Cowan University, University of Sydney DH Research Group, Western Sydney University DH Research Group, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, among others.

We are also very pleased to align with DH Dowunder 2019 (December 9th-13th).

Friday December 6th – Main conference day

8.30am-9.00am Registration & coffee (provided)

9.00am-9.15am Welcome

  • To country: Aunty Sandra Griffin
  • To institution: Ronald Plotnikoff (U Newcastle)
  • To conference: Ray Siemens (U Victoria), Hugh Craig (Newcastle U), and Alyssa Arbuckle (U Victoria)

9.15am-10am Lightning Session #1, Open Scholarship in Action: Projects & Initiatives, Part 1
Chair: Alyssa Arbuckle (U Victoria)

  1. Gillian Arrhigi (U Newcastle), “AusStage, Looking Forward: Leading Open Digital Scholarship in Theatre and Performance for 20 Years”
  2. Ian Johnson (U Sydney), “Digital Sherpas: Building and Sustaining Essential Data Management Infrastructure for the Humanities”
  3. Rooweither Mabuya, Dimakatso Mathe, Mmasibidi Setaka, and Menno van Zaanen (South African Centre for Digital Language Resources), “Digitizing Humanities in South Africa”
  4. Erin McCarthy (U Newcastle), “From Data to Knowledge: Analyzing the RECIRC Database”

10am-10.45am Lightning Session #2, Open Scholarship in Action: Projects & Initiatives, Part 2
Chair: Tully Barnett (Flinders U)

  1. Brigid van Wanrooy (Analysis & Policy Observatory), “APO: From Digital Repository to Evidence Translation”
  2. Hart Cohen (Western Sydney U), “Shakespeare’s Dissenting Open Scholarship: What Knowledge Does Not Know”
  3. Rooweither Mabuya, Dimakatso Mathe, Mmasibidi Setaka, and Menno van Zaanen (South African Centre for Digital Language Resources), “Problems in Standardization for South African Language Resources”
  4. Danny Kingsley (U Melbourne, Griffith U), “It’s Actually Bloody Hard – Outcomes from an Open Research Pilot”

10.45am-11am Coffee break (provided)

11am-12pm Featured Speaker
Chair: David Wrisley (New York U, Abu Dhabi)

  1. Ginny Barbour (Australasian Open Access Strategy Group), “From Open Access to Open Scholarship: The Three Ages of Openness”

12pm-1pm Lunch (provided)

  • Project Launch: The Entwistle Collection, Chloe Traynor (Western Sydney U)
    The Entwistle Collection is a newly established digital archive of photographs taken by John Allen Entwistle during his time as a soldier in Occupied Japan after World War II. These images have aimed to capture the daily life of a British Commonwealth Occupation Force soldier, as well as the atmosphere of Post-WWII Japan in Hiroshima Prefecture and early experiences of post-war Australian-Japanese relations.

1pm-2pm Featured Speaker
Chair: Hugh Craig (U Newcastle)

  1. Clare Appavoo (Canadian Research Knowledge Network), “Strategies for Open”

2pm-2.45pm Lightning Session #3, Open Scholarship Within and Beyond the Institutional Context
Chair: Rosalind Smith (U Newcastle)

  1. Rachel Hendery (Western Sydney U), “Incentives and Disincentives to Open Scholarship in 21st Century Australia”
  2. Coral Black (U Newcastle, Council of Australian University Libraries), “Working Together: Australian Academic Libraries Collaborating to Progress Open Scholarship”
  3. Rooweither Mabuya, Dimakatso Mathe, Mmasibidi Setaka, and Menno van Zaanen (South African Centre for Digital Language Resources), “Language Celebrations at SADiLaR”
  4. Alyssa Arbuckle (U Victoria), “Journalist Access to Research: A Collaboration”
  5. Tully Barnett (Flinders U), “Towards an Open and Social Framework for Collaborative Digitization”

2.45pm-3pm Coffee break (provided)

3pm-4pm Featured Speaker
Chair: Jonathan Bengtson (U Victoria Libraries, Canadian Association of Research Libraries)

  1. Alexis Tindall (Australian Research Data Commons), “Building the Research Data Commons – Transforming Scholarship through Transformative Infrastructure”

4pm-4.45pm Lightning Session #4, Challenges & Opportunities for Open Scholarship
Chair: Clare Appavoo (Canadian Research Knowledge Network)

  1. David Wrisley (New York U, Abu Dhabi), “Open, Digital Scholarship and Trust”
  2. Leida (L.K.) Mae (Oregon State U), “Systems of Oppression in Open Access: Editing Wikipedia with WGSS Undergraduates”
  3. Bill Pascoe (U Newcastle) “Difficult Questions For Open Ideals”
  4. Luis Meneses (U Victoria), “Extending and Preserving the Contribution of New Knowledge Environments”
  5. Lydia Hearn (Edith Cowan U), “Open Digital Scholarship in the Humanities: A Strategic Review of Needs, Barriers and Opportunities”

4.45pm-5pm Closing, Ray Siemens (U Victoria)

5pm-6pm Light reception (provided) — Coal & Cedar, 380 Hunter Street

Saturday December 7th – Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship meeting (by invitation only)

8.30am-9.00am Registration & coffee (provided)

9.00am-9.15am Welcome & overview

9.15am-10.15am Featured Speaker
Chair: Ginny Barbour (Australasian Open Access Strategy Group)

  • Jonathan Bengtson (U Victoria Libraries, Canadian Association of Research Libraries), “‘Either this is Madness or it is Hell’: The Intersection of Digital Humanities and Research Libraries”

10.15am-10.30am Coffee break (provided)

10.30am-10.45am CAPOS / INKE Activities Report

10.45am-12pm Next Steps Conversation

  • Part 1: Canadian-side activity
  • Part 2: Australian-side activity
  • Part 3: Identifying areas of related, shared activity, moving forward

12pm-12.15pm Closing


Call for Proposals

Higher education institutions and associated knowledge communities are on a trajectory toward more open and more social practices for knowledge formation, including active collaboration, community building, and knowledge mobilization. These activities represent opportunities to create knowledge across traditional disciplinary and institutional boundaries, as well as with members of the broader public. As early as 2007 Christine Borgman made a case for open scholarship in Scholarship in the Digital Age; Borgman considers open scholarship to “depend on access to publications, and often to the data on which they are based” (115). But how is the development of open scholarship shaped? What sort of infrastructure is needed? Who is involved, and what are their roles? Who isn’t involved, and should be? How do we address the challenges of open scholarship, including those of open access book publishing, shared standards for open work, and shifting economic and institutional models for scholarly communication? In order to answer these pressing questions, we also need to develop a sense of the variety of open scholarship initiatives and research projects currently under development as well as share takeaways from both Canadian and Australian contexts. Open scholarship has the potential to be more inclusive, dynamic, interdisciplinary, and functional than ever before: how do we get there?

“Knowledge Creation in the 21st Century: Approaches to Open, Digital Scholarship” seeks to highlight activities, infrastructure, research, and policies that engage open social scholarship in national contexts and beyond. Open social scholarship involves creating and disseminating research and research technologies to a broad, interdisciplinary audience of specialists and non-specialists in ways that are both accessible and significant. At “Knowledge Creation in the 21st Century” we will consider how to model open social scholarship practices and behaviour, as well as pursue the following leading questions:

  1. How do we best foster humanities and social sciences (HASS) research, development, community building, and engagement through online, omnipresent, and open community spaces?
  2. How can we adapt existing training opportunities, and develop opportunities in emerging areas, to meet academic, partner, and public needs for open scholarship training?
  3. How can HASS researchers collaborate more closely with the general public? What are the best ways to bring the public into HASS work, as well as for bringing HASS work to the public?
  4. How do we ensure that research on pressing open scholarship topics is accessible to a diverse public, including those who develop organizational or national policy?
  5. What are Canadian and Australian approaches to more open and more social knowledge formation?

We invite you to register for this event and join the discussion during our CAPOS researcher and partner gathering. This event will be held in Newcastle, NSW, and will provoke conversation and mobilize collaboration in and around digital scholarship, with specific focus on:

  • community building and mobilization
  • shared initiatives and activities
  • digital scholarly production
  • (open) access
  • partnership
  • knowledge dissemination
  • open scholarship challenges
  • alternative modes and methods, including in academic publishing practices
  • infrastructure
  • shifting from prototype to production
  • social knowledge creation
  • stakeholder roles and activities
  • collaboration
  • available technologies and skills
  • social media
  • public humanities

We invite proposals for lightning papers that address these and other issues pertinent to research in the area, as well as proposals for relevant project demonstrations. Proposals should contain a title, an abstract (of approximately 250 words, plus list of works cited), and the names, affiliations, and website URLs of presenters. Longer papers for lightning talks will be solicited after proposal acceptance for circulation in advance of the gathering. We are pleased to welcome proposals in all languages of our community; note that the chief working language of past gatherings has been English. Please submit proposals on or before September 15th 2019 via

This action-oriented event is geared toward leaders and learners from all fields and arenas, including academic and non-academic researchers, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, librarians and archivists, publishers, members of scholarly and professional associations and consortia, open source practitioners and developers, industry liaisons, community groups, and other stakeholders. It is a partnered event with the upcoming Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership gathering in Victoria, BC, Canada titled “Open Scholarship for the 2020s,” and we hope to simultaneously formalize connections between Canada and Australia and to open up different ways of thinking about the pragmatics and possibilities of digital scholarship.

Events include:

  • Featured talks by Clare Appavoo (Canadian Research Knowledge Network), Ginny Barbour (Queensland U of Technology; Australasian Open Access Strategy Group), Jonathan Bengtson (U Victoria Libraries; Canadian Association of University Libraries), and Alexis Tindall (Australian Research Data Commons)
  • Lightning talks, where authors present 5-minute versions of longer papers or reports circulated prior to the gathering, followed by a brief discussion (papers may be conceptual, theoretical, application-oriented, and more)
  • Next Steps conversation, to articulate in a structured setting what we will do together in the future

“Knowledge Creation in the 21st Century” is sponsored by the Canadian-Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship, the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. This gathering is organized by Ray Siemens, Alyssa Arbuckle, and Hugh Craig, on behalf of an Advisory Board made up of representatives from the Analysis and Policy Observatory, Australasian Association for Digital Humanities, Australasian Open Access Strategy Group, Australian Research Data Commons, Centre for 21st Century Humanities (Newcastle U), Council of Australian University Librarians, Deans of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, DH Downunder, INKE Partnership, Knowledge Unlatched Research, University of Sydney Digital Humanities Research Group, and Western Sydney University Digital Humanities Research Group.

Please consider joining us in Newcastle for what is sure to be a dynamic discussion!