Hague 2010

Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in a Digital Age (December 15th 2010)

Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library of the Netherlands), The Hague in conjunction with the conference Text & Literacy (16-17 December).
Sponsored by the National Library of the Netherlands, the Book and Digital Media Studies Department of Leiden U, INKE, and SSHRC.

See full program, below.

Digital technology is fundamentally altering the way we relate to writing, reading, and the human record itself. The pace of that change has created a gap between core social/cultural practices that depend on stable reading and writing environments and the new kinds of digital artefacts—electronic books being just one type of many—that must sustain those practices now and into the future.

This one-day gathering explores research foundations pertinent to understanding those new practices and emerging media, specifically focusing on work in textual method, in itself and via exemplar, leading toward [1] theorizing the transmission of culture in pre- and post-electronic media, [2] documenting the facets of how people experience information as readers and writers, [3] designing new kinds of interfaces and artifacts that afford new reading abilities, [4] conceptualizing the issues necessary to provide information to these new reading and communicative environments, and [5] reflection on interdisciplinary team research strategies pertinent to work in the area.

The gathering is offered in conjunction with the Text & Literacy conference (16-17 December) and is sponsored by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (the National Library of the Netherlands), the Book and Digital Media Studies department of Leiden University, and the Implementing New Knowledge Environments research group.


8.30-8.45 am (Opening): Ray Siemens (U Victoria), and the INKE Research Group: Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in the Digital Age

8.45-10.15 am (Panel 1): Brent Nelson, Chair

1.  Peter Boot (Huygens Instituut): Literary evaluation in online communities of writers and readers.
2.  Claire Warwick and Kathryn Piquette (UCL Centre for Digital Humanities), and the INKE Research Group: Reading in the wild: User Centred research on physical and digital reading in everyday life.
3.  Joost Kircz (U Applied Sciences, Amsterdam): E-gadget or E-reader?
4.  Richard Cunningham (Acadia U), Jon Bath, Alan Galey, Brent Nelson, Paul Werstine, Ray Siemens, and the INKE Research Group: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”: Studying Architectures of the Book to Develop New Knowledge Environments.

10.30-11.45 am (Panel 2): Stan Ruecker, Chair

5.  Sonia Howell (NUI Maynooth): “No Text is Ever One Thing”: Utilizing Digital Technology in Literary Research.
6.  Karina van Dalen-Oskam (Huygens Instituut): Elaborate: a Tool for Online Collaborative Text Transcription, Annotation, and Publication.
7.  Julie Meloni (ETCL, U Victoria), Ray Siemens, Jennifer Ross, and the INKE Research Group: Foundations for INKE Information Management.

1.00-2.15 pm (Panel 3): Julie Meloni, Chair

8.  Claire Clivaz (U Lausanne): Homer and the New Testament as “Multi-Texts” in the Digital Era?
9.  Brent Nelson (U Saskatchewan), Jon Bath, and the INKE Research Group: Old Ways for Linking Texts in the Digital Reading Environment: the case of the Thompson Chain Reference Bible.
10.  Sharon Webb (NUI, Maynooth): “Reconfiguring narrative” with digital tools.

2.30-3.45 pm (Panel 4): Richard Cunningham, Chair

11.  Janneke Adema (Coventry U): On Open Books and Fluid Humanities.
12.  Sheila Petty (U Regina), Luigi Benedicenti, Christian Riegel, Katherine Robinson:  New Theories and Methods for Screen-Centred Interfaces: a Pilot Study.
13.  Alejandro Giacometti (U Alberta), Stan Ruecker, Carlos Fiorentino, and the INKE Research Group:  Showcase Browsing with Texttiles 2.0 and BubbleLines.

4.00-5.15 pm (Panel 5): Claire Warwick, Chair

14.  Julie Meloni (ETCL, U Victoria): Intersections and Interactions: The Shifting Notion of Information Management in an Open Access World.
15.  Geoffrey Rockwell (U Alberta), Daniel Sondheim, Mihaela Illovan, Milena Radzikowska, Stan Ruecker, Kamal Ranaweera, and the INKE Research Group: Interfacing the Collection.
16.  Lynne Siemens (U Victoria) and the INKE Research Group: Understanding Long Term Collaboration: Reflections on Year 1 and Before.

5.15-5.45 pm (Closing Remarks): Adriaan van der Weel (Leiden U)

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2012 Syd Bauman, available under the Creative Commons
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