
Leadership Through Diversity (LTD) is a student-run group that was created January 2012. Inspired by many of the existing Women in Engineering groups across Canada, and the support and involvement they provided minority groups in a male-dominated field of study, LTD has evolved to focus on diversity in a more general sense. We now mainly focus on providing social spaces and events for LGBTQ2S+ engineering students, as well as promoting equality and inclusivity throughout the Faculty of Engineering and within the engineering industry.

We are proud to be an official member of EngiQueers Canada, a collection of student groups that promote and advocate for the inclusion of LGBTQ2S+ students (and their allies) in engineering schools across Canada.

EngiQueers Canada’s principles include communication between groups, organization in assisting with the continuity of all groups, and networking with local LGBTQ2S+ engineering professionals.

Please feel free to message us to learn more about our club and join a meeting!