How do we (settlers, especially us Euro-descended ones) begin a journey that leads us away from the perceived safety of everything we know? How do we begin to walk in a direction that leads us away from not only everything we know about the “world,” but that “world” itself?
These are important questions to consider for us as we attempt to unlearn the structures of knowing and belief that have brought the entire planet and all of the Indigenous cultures on it to the times of ecological crisis we are experiencing today.
This section is all about the steps that we might take on this journey. In other words, this is where you can learn more about the methods that this project is practicing, and the ways we are seeking alternatives to (re)write, (re)right, and (re)rite our being on stolen land. They will help us create a special map, one that might be shared in story. It might not be physical, but it will guide us to a place where settlers will be able to learn to listen.

Turning To
Both Leanne Betasamosake Simpson and Ganohalidoh Jeff Corntassel write about the spectrums of resurgence and resistance in how Indigenous communities can and do resist ongoing colonization.