It’s been a bit of a busy time this fall, and I unfortunately missed posting the community events for last moon, ĆENQOLEW̱ (Dog Salmon Returns to Earth). At least, even a bit late into this first frost, when the leaves turn white moon, we’re getting back into it.
It’s also a bit of a sad time as some of these land-based restoration events are going to be slowing down for the winter and there being a chance that this project will potentially be closed off in ĆENKILES (Rebirth of the Earth, Spring) or ĆENQÁLES (Hot Earth, summer), these events are even that much more important to me.
Please, dress for the weather!
- The Lekwungen Community Toolshed is hosting another restoration event at Maple Bank on Songhees Reserve Lands Friday 15 November, from 10am to 1pm. Gloves and tools, along with some snacks and warm drinks, will be provided, and registration is being handled by the Toolshed’s friends at HAT: https://hat.bc.ca/volunteer/lekwungen-community-toolshed-restoration-at-maplebank-1
- Our friends at PEPAKEṈ HÁUTW̱ are hosting a restoration event at SṈIDȻEȽ, the place of blue grouse and one of the original W̱SÁNEĆ villages. They’re inviting friends to come support on Tuesday 19 November from 10am-2pm. They’ll have gloves, snacks, some warm drinks, so bring a lunch and some water, and give yourself about 15 minutes to walk down to the site from the parking. Register here: https://hat.bc.ca/volunteer/restoration-at-side-with-pepe-hutw-2
- Sarah Jim and her W̱SÍ,ḴEM Ivy Project are inviting folx to Tseycum Reserve lands and the Jim family property for a day of restoration and good vibes. Another event that is being supported by HAT, this one will also have gloves, tools, snacks, and beverages, all you have to do is bring lunch, and register: https://hat.bc.ca/volunteer/wsem-ivy-project-healing-the-place-of-clay-3
In all cases, please bring your ÍY, SḰÁLEȻENS, your good heart and mind, and a desire to heal the land, ourselves, and our relationships with our Coast Salish hosts.
QENSET SW̱ HÁLE, take care everyone, and see you on the land.