by erichyliu | Nov 15, 2024 | UVic Scenarios
A subject librarian receives a request from a faculty member to find less Eurocentric but more inclusive sources with decolonial perspectives. Prioritizing the faculty’s request to improve representation of equity deserving groups is essential in many...
by erichyliu | Nov 15, 2024 | UVic Scenarios
As a library staff member at the circulation desk, you are approached by an international student who is unfamiliar with the library and its resources. Their limited English proficiency makes it difficult to understand their needs. How can the library staff member...
by erichyliu | Nov 15, 2024 | UVic Scenarios
A librarian has been asked to conduct a library instruction session for students on critically evaluating library resources. How will they guide the students in exploring and critically evaluating diverse resources, including non-academic sources? Understanding the...
by erichyliu | Nov 15, 2024 | UVic Scenarios
When working with international students, instructors and librarians may notice cultural differences or knowledge gaps, such as difficulty paraphrasing due to beliefs about respecting authority or lack of confidence in English. This can be mistaken for plagiarism. How...
by erichyliu | Nov 15, 2024 | UVic Scenarios
As a liaison librarian you receive an instruction request from a faculty member asking you to provide information on identifying and using less-biased and more inclusive sources and databases. Many librarians acknowledge that library collections, like other human...
by Aditi | Nov 15, 2024 | UVic Scenarios
How will you guide students who have experienced trauma, either personally or within their families, in approaching and using materials related to colonization or oppression in the library? Guiding students who have experienced trauma in dealing with materials related...