Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Pedagogy Toolkit
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Culturally responsive teaching encompasses customizing instruction and curriculum to meet the unique learning needs of culturally diverse students within a classroom setting. This approach ensures that students not only feel recognized and respected but also actively engaged in their learning.
Inclusive Teaching
Both inclusive teaching and trauma-informed pedagogy foster a learning atmosphere in which students from diverse backgrounds enjoy equitable access to education and are fully engaged in their learning journey.
Decolonizing Research
Decolonization and Indigenization operate together to challenge Euro-centric, capitalist, racist, ableist, hetero-normative, and patriarchal systems through embedding and scaffolding Indigenous Knowledge into curriculum and pedagogy.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
UDL is a framework that is designed to allow us to adopt teaching styles that accommodate different learning strategies and abilities. You will find some practical advice of implementing UDL principles in your classroom.
About this Toolkit
A brief introduction to the usage and purpose of the toolkit as well as its authors.
UVic Scenarios
A list of scenarios which can act as an FAQ for instructors to use as a basis to build their own ideas and approaches.
A list of terminology that are commonly used throughout the toolkit.
Further Readings
A list of extra resources for anyone who is looking for further information on any of the topics within the toolkit.