Sex Now Survey

Sex Now is CBRC’s principal community-based research initiative and Canada’s largest and longest running survey of GBT2Q men’s health. Originating at Pride festivals across British Columbia in 2002, Sex Now has been administered both online and in-person at events across Canada in both official languages. Often referred to as “the gay census”, Sex Now has become an essential source of data on the health and well-being of GBT2Q in Canada, and is widely used by community, public health, research, and policy stakeholders. Data visualizations are available freely online at

Partners: CBRC

Quantitative: Surveys and Dried Blood Spots

Funder: Canadian Blood Services (2018, 2019), Public Health Agency of Canada (2020)

Current Status: All survey data from 2018 in-person survey and dried blood spots (n=3500+) clean and ready for analysis. All survey data from 2019 online survey being cleaned; testing for dried blood spots continue. Plans for next online COVID-19 specific survey in Summer 2020, full online Sex Now in Fall 2020, and next in-person data collection in Spring/Summer 2021.