
The UVic ESS provides many events and services to engineering students and the community.  We assist the Iron Ring Society in organizing and selling tickets to the event, we organize an engineering competition (UVEC) twice a year, we sell engineering merchandise, and every term we hold at least one charity event.  Read on for more information and contact an executive if you would like to get involved!

Our lounge/office (ELW 206) is also open to all. Executives typically hold office hours from 9-4 on school days, during which time students are welcome to come say hello, ask questions, or sleep on a couch. We also offer free coffee everyday and free slushies on Fridays.

If you’d like to be notified of upcoming events the ESS is hosting, click here to join our Facebook group!

Exam Bank

The Engineering Students’ Society offers study resources which are open to all engineering students.  In the lounge, there are two cabinets that contain old exams to UVic Engineering classes.  Any engineering student is welcome to come and look through this cabinet when the door is open. The ESS also maintains an online exam bank, which can be found here: GOOGLE DRIVE LINK

The contents of the cabinet and the bank are different. You may find papers in one that aren’t in the other. Feel free to search them both at your convenience.

If you would like to donate old exams or assignments, don’t hesitate to contact an executive in the Lounge or at


The ESS administers student locker allocation in the Engineering Lab Wing (ELW). If you are a UVic student (even one outside of engineering and computer science) you are welcome to use a personal locker, free of charge, provided the following conditions are met:

    • You provide your own lock– if you do not keep a lock on your registered locker, we will assume that you have abandoned it and reserve the right to issue it to another student without warning.
    • You do not store dangerous or illegal items in your locker.
    • You do not allow perishable food stored in your locker to rot.
    • You register your locker with us (Not available during COVID) immediately after placing a lock on it

Lockers in the Engineering Lab Wing will be available to register Monday September 20th.
If you have a lock on a locker, it must be removed and the locker emptied by 5:00 on Friday, September 17th. At this time, we will cut the locks and move all locker contents into storage.
This allows us to give everyone a chance to clean out lockers that they registered before we all moved online in 2020. Thank you for your patience!

Clubs are eligible on a case-by-case basis for storage in multiple lockers– please contact the ESS for details.

DISCLAIMER: The lockers are located in the Engineering Lab Wing which students have 24-hour keycard access to, so use your head regarding storage of valuables. The ESS takes no responsibility for the security of items stored in student lockers.


The ESS has a bi-weekly, semi-serious newsletter printed for your enjoyment! Send any leads, memes, or articles to and they just might appear in the next edition.

Can’t wait for the next issue? Check out our publication archives.