
The ESS administers student locker allocation in the Engineering Lab Wing (ELW). If you are a UVic student (even one outside of engineering and computer science) you are welcome to use a personal locker, free of charge, provided the following conditions are met:

    • You provide your own lock– if you do not keep a lock on your registered locker, we will assume that you have abandoned it and reserve the right to issue it to another student without warning.
    • You do not store dangerous or illegal items in your locker.
    • You do not allow perishable food stored in your locker to rot.
    • You register your locker with us immediately after placing a lock on it

To register a locker, please put a lock on the locker you want and visit the ESS office in ELW room 206 to manually register the locker.

Lockers in the Engineering Lab Wing will be available to register at the start of every semester. If you have a lock on a locker, it must be removed and the locker emptied OR renew the locker before the renewal deadline at the transition between semesters. At this time, we will be cutting the locks and moving all locker contents into storage unless the locker is renewed or emptied. This allows us to give everyone a chance to clean out lockers that they registered. 

Clubs are eligible on a case-by-case basis for storage in multiple lockers– please contact the ESS for details.

DISCLAIMER: The lockers are located in the Engineering Lab Wing which students have 24-hour keycard access to, so use caution regarding storage of valuables. The ESS takes no responsibility for the security of items stored in student lockers.