Annual Elected Positions

The ESS has 9 elected annual positions which make up the ESS council. Annual position run from the summer semester to the end of the following spring semester (May 1st-April 30th).

More information about council positions and current council members and executives can be found on the ESS Administration Executive page.

ESS Council Positions

Elections for the ESS council positions happen at the end of every spring semester. Information about how to apply for these positions is sent out before the election process begins. Presidential elections begin earlier, in March before the other positions. The First Year Representative Elections begin in September, after the other positions. Short descriptions of the role and how to run are given in the Council Positions document through this link.

  • President
  • Equity Officer
  • Vice-President Student Life
  • Vice-President Corporate Relations
  • Vice-President Internal
  • Vice-President External
  • Vice-President Communication
  • Vice-President Events
  • First Year Representative

Semesterly Executive Positions

Semesterly Executive positions are elected based on applicants each semester. Information on how to apply for executive positions is sent out at the start of every semester. Short descriptions of the roles and how to run are given in the Semesterly Elected Positions document the Semesterly Appointed Positions document through this link

  • ESS Council Secretary
  • Director of Publications
  • Director of Information Technology
  • Director of Services
  • Director of Sports
  • Director of Outreach
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • Graphics Coordinator
  • Charity Coordinator
  • Clubs Coordinator
  • Charity Coordinator
  • Industry Night Coordinator
  • Directors at Large (ESS Volunteer)

Discipline Representatives

Discipline Representatives are selected by the ESS from applicants every semester for each engineering discipline. Anyone can apply to be a discipline representative, and information on how to apply is sent out at the start of every semester.