This site provides resources and tools to help you along your research journey. Start by clicking the buttons below to access the Research Guide and Resources List. Scroll down the page or use the blue navigation menu to learn more about the the tools you’ll need and other helpful resources. As always, your UVic Law Librarians are here to help guide you through this research process.
This guide offers some important context and guidance that will help you with your research shift and ensure that everyone is on the same page throughout the day.
This Google Drive contains folders on each of the three research focus areas:
- Colonial Law
- Indigenous Law
- Water-related Environmental Disasters
This document lists resources (websites, government reports, journals, indexes etc.) that you will find useful when researching legislative and regulatory changes in BC.
Research-a-thon Training Session
Researching Legislation in BC
Written by UVic Law Library’s Associate Universtiy Librarian Kim Nayyer, this chapter from The Comprehensive Guide to Legal Research, Writing & Analysis provides an overview of the law-making process in BC as well as instruction and examples on how to conduct BC legislative research. During your research, you may find this chapter helpful if you need guidance on:
- Locating Revised and Consolidated BC Statutes
- Locating Amendments and Updating Statutes
- Locating Prior Versions of Statutes
- Backdating a Statute
- Locating Regulations
- Updating BC Regulations
Case Law
An authoritative and free source of Canadian cases, statutes and regulations, as well as other documents.
Primary and secondary Canadian materials including cases, legislation, commentary, journals, news, The Canadian Encyclopedic Digest, and the Index to Canadian Legal Literature (ICLL).
Includes court and tribunal cases, legislation, commentary, journals, Index to Canadian Legal Literature (ICLL) and news.
In addition to journal articles, HeinOnline provides access to BC Annual Statutes from 1871, and consolidations and revisions from 1872.
Provides free access to current and historical BC statutes, regulations, bills (first and third reading), orders-in-council, and BC Gazette. Also includes Tables of Legislative Changes and Regulation Bulletins and Indexes.
Once you enter Quickscribe, click the LOGIN button at the top right to access the full site. No password required.
Benefits of Quickscribe:
- Find relevant Hansard references using the ‘Select Hansard (Debates)’ feature
- Easy access to Orders-in-Council from 2000 to present
- Collapses the Table of Legislative Changes editions into one convenient list
- Point-in-time information for regulation amanendments
- Create a personalized account to make personal bookmarks, custom alerts, annotations, and access sharing features
The short video tutorials on the right will ensure you’re using Quickscribe to its full potential.
- Using Hansard on QS (3 min)
- QS 2.0 Overview (10 min)
- Using The New Search Features on QS (10 min)
- Using Historical Tools on QS (10 min)
Indigenous Law Resources
Okanagan (Syilx) Nation (Upper Nicola Band)
Ashliman, DL, Animal Brides and Animal Bridegrooms, Tales told by North American Indians, 1998-2003 (Online)
Boas, Franz, Folk-tales of Salishan and Sahaptin Tribes (New York: Kraus Reprint, 1969) (Call number: E99 S21F65 1969 – also available online).
Clark, Ella Elizabeth, Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1953) (Call number: E98 F6C57)
Cline, Walter et al, The Sinkaietk or Southern Okanagan of Washington (Menasha, Wisconsin: George Banta Publishing Company Agent, 1938) (Call number: E99 O35S7 – also available online).
Cohen, Bill, ed, Stories and Images About What the Horse Has Done For Us (Penticton: Theytus Books Ltd., 1998) (Call number: FC3845 O46S76).
Cohen, William, School Failed Coyote, So Fox Made a New School: Indigenous Okanagan Knowledge Transforms Pedagogy (D. Ed. Thesis, University of British Colombia, 2010) [unpublished] (Online)
Dove, Mourning Humishuma, Coyote Stories (Idaho: University of Nebraska Press, 1990) (Call number: E99 O35M68 1990) – also available online).
Dove, Mourning, Tales of the Okanogans, ed by Donald M Hines (Fairfield, Washington: YE Galleon Press, 1976) (Call number: E99 O35M628 1976).
Lindley, Lottie & John Lyon, Okanagan Grouse Woman: Upper Nicola Narratives (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2016) (Call number: PM2066 Z77L56 2016) – also available online).
Morgan, John S, When the Morning Stars Sang Together (Agincourt, Canada: The Book Society of Canada Limited, 1974) (Call number: 398.2 M63).
Robinson, Harry, Living by Stories: A Journey of Landscape and Memory, ed by Wendy Wickwire (Vancouver, BC: Talonbooks, 2005) (Call number: E99 O35R6).
Robinson, Harry, Nature Power: In the Spirit of an Okanagan Storyteller, ed by Wendy Wickwire (Vancouver, BC: Talonbooks, 2004) (Call number: E99 O35R62 2004).
Robinson, Harry, Write It On Your Heart: The Epic World of an Okanagan Storyteller, ed by Wendy Wickwire (Vancouver, BC: Talonbooks, 1989) (Call number: E98 F6R62).
Swann, Brian, ed, Voices from Four Directions Contemporary Translations of the Native Literatures of North America (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2004) (Call number: E98 F6V665).
Thompson, Stith, Tales of the North American Indians (Mineola, New York: Dover Publications Inc, 1929) (Call number: E98 F6T32 – also available online), (Contains both Syilx and Nlaka’Pamux stories).
Nlaka’Pamux Nation
Bierwert, Crisca Brushed by Cedar, Living by the River: Coast Salish Figures of Power (Tuscon: The University of Arizona Press, 1999) (Call number: E99 S21B54).
Hill-Tout, Charles & Ralph Maud, The Salish People: The Local Contribution of Charles Hill-Tout, vol 1-4 (Vancouver: Talonbooks, 1978) (Call number: E99 S2H54).
Secondary Sources
Abrams, Rachel, First Nations Water Rights in BC: A Historical Summary of the Rights of the Shackan First Nation (Victoria: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Water Management Branch, 2000) (Call number: KEB529.5 W3A283 – also available online).
Babcock, Kelly, First Nations Water Rights in BC: A Historical Summary of the Rights of the Coldwater First Nation (Victoria: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Water Management Branch, 2000) (Call number: KEB529.5 W3B329 – also available online).
Babcock, Kelly, First Nations Water Rights in BC: A Historical Summary of the Rights of the Lower Nicola First Nation (Victoria: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Water Management Branch, 1999) (Call number: KEB529.5 W3B314 – also available online).
Bakker, Karen, ed, Eau Canada: The Future of Canada’s Water (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2007) (Call number: KE5145 E28 2006).
Brandes, Oliver M, A Blueprint for Watershed Governance in British Columbia (Victoria: University of Victoria, 2014) (Online).
Bright, William, Native American Text Series: Coyote Stories (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978) (Call number: E98 F6C83).
Clark, Ella Elizabeth, Indian Legends of Canada (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1960) (Call number: E98 F6C56).
Curran, Deborah, “Leaks in the System: Environmental Flows, Aboriginal Rights, and the Modernization Imperative for Water Law in British Columbia” (2017) 50:2 UBC L Rev 233 (Online).
Dove, Mourning, Mourning Dove: A Salishan Autobiography, ed by Jay Miller (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1990) (Call number: E99 S21M68).
Hanna, Darwin & Mamie Henry, eds, Our Tellings: Interior Salish Stories of the Nlha’kapmx People (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1995) (Online).
Hill, Elina, Indigenous Knowledge Practices in British Columbia: A Study in Decolonization (MA, University of Victoria, 2012) (Online).
Hinch-Bourns, Andrea Colleen, In Their Own Words, In Their Own Time, In Their Own Ways: Indigenous Women’s Experiences of Loss, Grief, and Finding Meaning Through Spirituality (MSW, University of Manitoba, 2013) [unpublished] (Online).
Johnson, Carl Garth, “The Nlha7kapmx Oral Tradition of the Three Bears: Interpretations Old and New” (2001) 25:1 Canadian Journal of Native Education 37 (Online).
Marchand, Barb, Kou-skelowh/We Are The People: A Trilogy of Okanagan Legends (Penticton, BC: Theytus Books, 2012) (Call number: 398.2 K68 2012).
Matsui, Kenichi, Native Peoples and Water Rights: Irrigation, Dams, and the Law in Western Canada (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009) (Call number: KIB2040 M38 2009 – also available online).
Mogus, Daniela, First Nations Water Rights in BC: A Historical Summary of the Rights of the Nooaitch First Nation (Victoria: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Water Management Branch, 2000) (Call number: KEB529.5 W3M63 – also available online).
Mogus, Daniela, First Nations Water Rights in BC: A Historical Summary of the Rights of the Upper Nicola First Nation (Victoria: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Water Management Branch, 2001) (Online).
Phare, Merrell-Ann S, Collaborative Consent and British Columbia’s Water: Towards Watershed Co-governance (Victoria: Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resource: POLIS Project on Ecological Governance, University of Victoria, 2017) (Online).
Teit, James, Traditions of the Thompson River Indians of British Columbia (Boston: American Folk-lore Society, 1898) (Online).
Thompson, Laurence C & M Terry Thompson, Thompson River Salish Dictionary: nł̳e?̳kepmxcín (Missoula: University of Montana, 1996) (Call number: PM2045 Z5T56).