What was Purpose of the Study?
The study asked people living with chronic lung conditions about how they used online technologies to stay connected and to support their illness. The purpose was to learn about the resources and strategies people were using, so that this information could be passed along to other people living with chronic lung conditions.
Who Participated in the Study?
Eighty-three people across British Columbia participated across three stages of the study. The majority of people were living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A few were living with other lung conditions such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis or acute respiratory distress syndrome.
When and How was Data Collected and Shared?
The study involved three stages. In the first stage people living with a chronic lung condition were interviewed either in person, over the phone or through Skype. The second stage involved a survey, which closed at the end of February 2020. 80 people participated in this stage. The third stage was conducted between May and July 2020 and involved interviewing 13 people over the phone, or through Skype or FaceTime. The COPD community was engaged across the stages to share and get feedback on how best to present the results.
What were the Objectives?
There were four main objectives:
1) To find out what types of digital technologies and activities people with COPD were using.
2) To examine the different roles digital technologies could serve in supporting people living with COPD.
3) To look at how digital technologies can maintain social connectedness for people living with COPD.
4) To explore how digital technologies can support outcomes and experiences in living with COPD.