Scholarships & Bursaries
Sponsored DHSI Scholarships
Applications are considered on a rolling basis and are evaluated with attention to need, merit, and course availability at the time of evaluation. Scholarship applications will be accepted until 14 February 2024 (with a few days grace period).
Scholarships can take a number of weeks to process. If you are hoping for a spot in a particular course that has limited room remaining, we recommend considering the fee reductions available to students and members of sponsoring and partner organizations and registering directly rather than applying for a scholarship and waiting for confirmation or decline.
Please note:
- You can apply for scholarship spots in both of the DHSI weeks (2 scholarships total). Please submit an additional scholarship application if you are considering attending both weeks.
- Scholarship spots are limited for each course and offered on a rolling basis as applications are considered. Closer to the deadline date @DHInstitute on Twitter will often note which courses may still have DHSI scholarship spots available, as well as when additional spots become available. (The fuller a course is the less likely there will still be scholarship spots available; details of course enrolment levels are available on our website as enrolment rises.)
- While DHSI scholarship spots may not be available in all courses at all times, there may still be some room available in those courses via direct registration at, with considerable fee reductions available to students and those members of sponsoring organisations (including the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations [ADHO], the Modern Language Association [MLA], Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, the Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory [HASTAC], and others!); see our registration page for further details.
- In order to be eligible for a DHSI scholarship, you must complete the scholarship application and receive your acceptance before registering for a course.
- DHSI scholarships are intended for the person to whom they are awarded and are non-transferrable.
- So that you receive correspondence from DHSI about your scholarship application in a timely manner, please ensure that your spam filter will allow emails from
- We regret that we are unable to offer fee reimbursements to participants who register before receiving the results of their scholarship application.
You will be considered for a bursary when you complete your scholarship application. In some cases you will need to indicate your eligibility. We are able to notify bursary winners in April. Read more about each bursary below.
Available Bursaries
Patricia Clements DHSI Travel Bursary
So many in our community have been inspired and engaged by the leadership and initiatives of Patricia Clements, FRSC, former U Alberta Dean of Arts and President of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences – including in her role as founding director of the Orlando Project, celebrated in her receipt of the 2006 Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques (CSDH/SCHN) Outstanding Achievement Award alongside her Orlando co-editors. Honouring her leadership, several bursaries to assist those pursuing graduate degrees in literary studies and DH are available, assisting by defraying some travel and lodging costs. If you applied for a DHSI Scholarship, and applied for but did not receive an SSRC bursary, you will be considered for this award. Recipients of these bursaries will be notified by DHSI in springtime.
Andrew Rippin Memorial DHSI Travel Bursary
We’re honoured that so many in our community have positively remembered UVic Dean and Professor Andrew Rippin, FRSC — a strong supporter of DHSI from its early days. Several bursaries to assist graduate students and international members of the community are available in his memory, assisting by defraying some travel and lodging costs. If you applied for a DHSI Scholarship, you will be considered for this bursary, including if you applied for an SSRC bursary (but did not receive one). Recipients of these bursaries will be notified by DHSI in springtime.
Social Science Research Council Scholarship and Travel Bursary
We’re delighted to partner with the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) in DHSI scholarships and travel bursaries. If you are or have been an SSRC fellow in the IDRF, DPDF, or Mellon-Mays programs within the past two years, please indicate this when you apply for a DHSI scholarship (as above) and/or register for DHSI. We expect to notify scholarship recipients on a rolling basis, with announcement of travel bursaries (helping to defray some travel and lodging costs) most often made by SSRC in springtime.
DHSI Bursaries for Partnered Events
We’re excited to announce a number of travel bursaries to assist members of the DHSI community to attend the coming gatherings of our friends in allied organizations. Congratulations to the recipients of the DHSI – TEI 2017, DHSI – SHARP 2018, DHSI – DH2018, DHSI – ELO 2019, DHSI – DH2019 bursaries, and DHSI – ESUDH2019 bursaries!
ACH Travel Bursary
In the past, the Association for Computers and the Humanities has generously offered several bursaries to assist ACH graduate student members by defraying some travel and lodging costs. If you are an ACH member, please indicate your eligibility when you apply for a DHSI scholarship (as above) and/or register for DHSI; click here to become an ACH member. If bursaries are available via ACH in future, we will be pleased to consider applicants for them! In the past, recipients of these bursaries have been notified by DHSI in the springtime. Please contact with any questions.
GO::DH Travel Bursary
In partnership with Global Outlook::Digital Humanities (GO::DH ), we have been pleased to offer a number of travel bursaries to members of the GO::DH community, defraying some travel and lodging costs. If you are member of the GO::DH community, please indicate your eligibility when you apply for a DHSI scholarship (as above) and/or register for DHSI. If bursaries are available via GO::DH in future, we will be pleased to consider applicants for them! In the past, recipients of these bursaries have been notified by DHSI in the springtime. Please contact with any questions.