Propose a Course

We are now receiving proposals for courses to be offered in 2025. We have a number of core offerings repeated annually, as well as number of community-proposed offerings that rotate from year to year (with some repetition). We welcome proposals for new community offerings — and especially so from members of the DHSI community. If you’re interested in proposing a community offering for DHSI 2025, we’d welcome hearing from you by 1 April 2024!
We’re very happy to consider any and all proposals from members of our community. Suggestions made by DHSIers in the past have indicated particular interest in a number of areas complementing current curriculum, as well as areas of DH convergence with traditional academic disciplines and societal concerns (e.g. social justice, critical race studies, accessibility), social media, new media, professional issues, serious gaming, humanities data (including visualization), non-textual data (e.g. audio and video), digital publishing, musicology, augmented reality and immersive environments, app development, visual culture, art history, and design, among others.

We are especially interested in proposals for single-instructor offerings that are highly interactive pedagogically and integrate hardware or software that participants can readily access (e.g. laptops, open source software). n.b. Many of those who submit proposals “test” their course ideas at the previous year’s DHSI unconference, colloquium, and / or short workshop sessions.

A course proposal consists of:

  • Proposed title
  • One paragraph description, including the intended audience
  • A brief statement of its association with other DHSI offerings (like the last paragraph of existing course descriptions, which read something like: “Consider this offering to build on, or be built on by …” and/or “Consider this offering in complement with …”
  • A summative day-by-day overview, given the 5-day DHSI format (in a half-page)
  • Instructor’s CV

We are grateful to all DHSI instructors for sharing their knowledge and time with the rest of the community and note that compensation takes the form of funded travel to and from Victoria, on-campus accommodation during both weeks of DHSI, a daily per diem, and a complimentary DHSI course for the week instructors are not teaching in.

Please submit your DHSI 2025 course proposal by or before 1 April 2024 to Ray Siemens at