Food & Water etc.

Food is crucial and we are fortunate to have the vital skills and energy of Walker Tottman for running the kitchen and cooking breakfast and dinner for us (we pack our own lunches after breakfast).

We will be brining in our groceries in from Port Alberni and these are delivered by ship to Bamfield. Walker will be making food for all of us but needs to know what to expect and plan well in advance. Because all of our food is made in a makeshift kitchen and by a very hardworking person, it is crucial to minimize complexities. Therefore having a variety of food preferences makes it difficult to prepare and efficiently serve meals. Please consider your health needs but also the cook.

We will be carrying all of our clean fresh water in large 5 gallon jugs from boats to shore. We will have sufficient but limited amounts of water to drink and wash dishes with. Please minimize excessive water use and ensure that empty jugs are placed in highly visible areas:)

Alchohol or other distracting substances are not permitted in this remote field camp setting.