Title: Diminishing Arctic Sea Ice: Why should we care about it? Current challenges in Arctic sea ice monitoring using Satellite Remote Sensing Vishnu Nandan, Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Geography Monday, April 1st, 2019 Snacks/Discussion begin at 15:15, Talk at 15:30. Location: Geography boardroom, DTB B215 Abstract The Arctic is on the path to a new climate regime… Continue reading Seminar by Vishnu Nandan on April 1st, 2019
Author: Landon Rieger
Seminar by Johannes Feddema on March 18, 2019
Title: Reinventing climate classification systems to develop better metrics for climate change detection Johannes Feddema, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Monday, March 18th, 2019 Snacks/Discussion begin at 15:00, Talk at 15:30. Location: Geography boardroom Abstract Current discussions about climate change usually focus on changes in temperature and precipitation independently. However, these variables are not independent for understanding… Continue reading Seminar by Johannes Feddema on March 18, 2019
Joint CCSS/CMOS-VIC seminar by Francis Zwiers on January 25th, 2019
Title: Event attribution – are we doing it reliably Francis Zwiers, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium Friday, January 25th, 2019 Snacks/Discussion begin at 14:30, Talk at 15:00. Location: Room 108 and Room 112 in the Halpern Center (GSS). Abstract A question that seems to arise invariably in the wake of devastating extreme weather and climate events… Continue reading Joint CCSS/CMOS-VIC seminar by Francis Zwiers on January 25th, 2019
Seminar by Armel Castellan on November 15th, 2018
Title: Evolution of Impact-Based Forecasting Mathew Asplin, Environment and Climate Change Canada Thursday, November 15th, 2018 Snacks/Discussion begin at 15:15, Talk at 15:30 Location: The Welcome Centre Room, University Centre (Mystic Market) Abstract Simply put, the MSC is undergoing several transformations concurrently. Evolving demographics (Boomers) and a hiring freeze in the 90s is seeing the… Continue reading Seminar by Armel Castellan on November 15th, 2018
Seminar by Matthew Asplin on November 1st, 2018
Title: From Multiyear Arctic Pack Ice to Predominantly First-Year Sea Ice Cover: Implications of the Changing Sea Ice Cover on Storm Impacts in the Western Canadian Arctic Mathew Asplin, University of Victoria, Department of Geography Thursday, November 1st, 2018 Snacks/Discussion begin at 15:15, Talk at 15:30 Location: The Welcome Centre Room, University Centre (Mystic Market) Abstract… Continue reading Seminar by Matthew Asplin on November 1st, 2018