Title: Evolution of Impact-Based Forecasting
Mathew Asplin, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Thursday, November 15th, 2018
Snacks/Discussion begin at 15:15, Talk at 15:30
Location: The Welcome Centre Room, University Centre (Mystic Market)
Simply put, the MSC is undergoing several transformations concurrently. Evolving demographics (Boomers) and a hiring freeze in the 90s is seeing the agency do more with less. Automation of forecasts to match the efficiencies in the marketplace is always looming. What is high impact weather? How has hazard-based forecasting evolved? The natural world is also changing, climate change is occurring at a record pace, not just at the poles. Media is also evolving and wants to better cover the adaptation required to match the changes. I will highlight the unique challenges of severe weather in a BC context and some of the solution MSC has been a part of.
I look forward to meeting you and discussing this pertinent topic.