Title: Event attribution – are we doing it reliably
Francis Zwiers, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium
Friday, January 25th, 2019
Snacks/Discussion begin at 14:30, Talk at 15:00.
Location: Room 108 and Room 112 in the Halpern Center (GSS).
A question that seems to arise invariably in the wake of devastating extreme weather and climate events is whether human influence on the climate system played a role. Using examples, this talk will describe some of the methods that are used in event attribution studies. I will also pose some questions about whether we are making inferences about the impact of the human influence on the event that has just occurred in a reliable manner.
Following the talk will be the CMOS Vancouver Island Chapter AGM. Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM and consider joining/volunteering with the chapter since Victoria is hosting the 2021 CMOS National Congress.