3M Student Fellowship Call


3M Student Fellowship Call_2018

Dear Undergraduate Students,

The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, which offers the national 3M teaching awards for faculty, has an equivalent national award for undergraduate and graduate students called the National 3M Student Fellowship. In the past four years a student from UVic has been awarded one of these prestigious awards.

The attached poster provides information about two workshops that will outline the award and our internal UVic process for selection. If you are a qualifying undergraduate or graduate student, (eligibility for the award is set out in the attached poster) consider asking one of your instructors here at UVic if they will nominate you for this award, and then attend one of the workshops. Questions about the process should be directed to Brad Buie, Awards Facilitator, at awardfac@uvic.ca.

It would be wonderful to see one of our UVic students among this year’s winners again.

Cynthia Korpan, M.A.
Educational Developer Leadership Award 2016
LTSI Professional Development Programs and TA Training
Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation (LTSI)
University of Victoria
(250) 472-4798

In-Course Scholarship Application Now Open

The In-course online application for students currently attending UVic is open April 1-May 31. Scholarships and awards that require applications ask for students to submit an online (or paper) application as well as supporting documentation. In order to apply for these scholarships, students must complete the in-course scholarship application, available through My Page. Any supporting documentation required for specific awards must be submitted by email to incourse@uvic.ca or by mail. Please include your name and student number when submitting any documentation.

 Online applications close May 31.

 To view a list of awards and specific requirements visit https://www.uvic.ca/registrar/safa/in-course-scholarships/application/index.php.

 How to apply:

Go to MyPage, click on Finances

>Awards and Financial Aid

>Apply for awards

>Winter Session

>In-Course and then follow the application portal

 For more information on how to apply go to https://www.uvic.ca/registrar/safa/in-course-scholarships/apply/index.php.

 Questions can be directed to awards1@uvic.ca or awards3@uvic.ca.