Intro to: Going Digital in the Cemetery

Intro to: Going Digital in the Cemetery

Two summers ago I was a student in the first running of the field course (we were awesome Guinea pigs). I was paired with two other students to do fieldwork with, and we decided to do our final project on the use of Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) on...

Vanessa’s reflections two weeks into fieldwork

Today marked the end of our second week doing fieldwork as a class in this beautiful cemetery. I can’t believe how quickly time is flying! So far, this has been one of the most interesting and hands on courses I have ever taken in my three years at Uvic. It is both...

Elisa’s reflections (Tuesday, May 17)

Transition So far our focus at the Jewish cemetery has been about the individuals represented by the memorials, their spatial relationship to the landscape and to each other as well as the dimensions of each of the memorial features.  As we move into the second week...