Three time-management tips to reduce your stress

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Are you hoping to reduce your stress during your studies and use your time productively? Learn three time management strategies that can be used thoughout the term.

1. Top three daily activities

If you think you have too much on your plate, your schedule is just too full, or you don’t know where to start, narrowing your list of daily activities will help reduce stress. List only three daily activities that you consider important and a priority.

If it is important but not a priority, set aside this activity for the next week. If it is important and at the same time a priority, list it as one of your top three daily activities. Important and priority go hand-in-hand.

If you are tempted to add more tasks, stop! Your top three tasks are already a good number to be removed from your list. The narrower your list, the easier it is to accomplish.

2. Eat the frog

Eating the frog is doing the most difficult task first. Taking care of the most difficult task first will make all other tasks that you need to do easier and more manageable. Getting the most difficult task out of the way reduces our stress and anxiety.

3. Flexibility is key

Leave a little wiggle room in your schedule, even if you only have a list of three things to do. Be flexible. Follow your schedule, but if there are instances in which you cannot follow it to a T, that is ok.

Choose any of these three strategies and see what works for you!

We are here to support your learning!

Contact a CAC academic coach to discuss time-management, goal-setting, motivation and stress-reduction strategies.

If you are needing additional support, UVic has several virtual services for students offered through University of Victoria Student Support Services.

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