Community-Engaged Learning

Storymapping Program Underway!

 The Community-Engaged Learning has partnered with the Map Shop in the Geography Department at UVic to offer grants to students enrolled in 2023 Geography summer field schools. Through this grant, sixty undergraduate students are receiving a grant and will be creating StoryMaps as part of their field school experience, plus two grant-funded student positions are being added to the Map Shop to support the program.

As part of their field courses, students create content in StoryMaps, a storytelling program developed by Esri, a leading mapping and geospatial software provider. The program is a tool that integrates interactive maps, text, images, videos, and other media types to create engaging digital storytelling.

StoryMaps are an excellent platform for providing context to geographic data and connecting narratives to place, core tenets of geography. Map Shop interns have developed tutorials to teach students how to use the StoryMap program and are providing support to students through in-person classes and online tutorials produced within StoryMaps.

Grant Information

  • Program participants have been awarded a $500-$1200 grant to supplement Geography field school fees.
  • The funding also supports two part-time student positions through the Map Shop in the Geography department.
  • Students are required to produce an ArcGIS StoryMap to access the funding
  • The StoryMaps can either be integrated into course assignments (e.g., creating presentations summarizing research projects) or be used for personal reflections on the field school experience
  • The Map Shop provides technical support for StoryMaps through in-person and virtual tutorials

Examples of how StoryMaps have been used by students:

  • Sharing student experiences and learnings during the field school
  • Presenting research projects and field data
  • Reflecting on the course experience
  • Creating deliverables for Community partners to share beyond UVic


Community Partners

  • Oneida Nation of the Thames
  • North Park Community Association
  • PEPÁḴEṈ HÁUTW̱ Foundation
  • NatuR&D
  • HeroWork
  • Gorge Tillicum Community Association
  • Peninsula Streams
  • Saanich Peninsula Environmental Coaltion
  • SeaChange
  • Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea
  • Quadra Cedar Hill Community Association
  • Our Community Health Initiative
  • Evergreen Terrace & BC Housing
  • W̱MÍYEŦEN Nature Sanctuary
  • Friends of Bowker Creek
  • Ijé Creative
  • Central Saanich Community Gardens
  • Gorge Tillicum Urban Farmers
  • District of Saanich
  • Jordan River Coalition
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