Current Trainees

Georgia Douglas

Georgia Douglas

Chemistry (PhD), University of Victoria

Supervisor: Heather Buckley
Research Interests: Arsenic detection in drinking water, green chemistry, materials science

2023-2024 Cohort

Samantha LeValley

Samantha LeValley

Civil Engineering (PhD), University of Toronto

Supervisor: David Meyer
Research Interests: Rural water systems, equitable distribution, intermittent water supply

2023-2024 Cohort

Patrick Mirindi

Patrick Mirindi

Civil Engineering (PhD), University of British Columbia

Supervisor: Sara Beck
Research Interests:

2022-2023 Cohort

Kelsey Shaw

Kelsey Shaw

Civil Engineering (PhD), University of Victoria

Supervisor: Caetano Dorea
Research Interests: Sustainable sanitation, public health and environmental engineering

2022-2023 Cohort

Florence Udenby

Florence Udenby

Civil Engineering (PhD), University of Toronto

Supervisor: David Meyer
Research Interests: Intermittent water supply, non-revenue water, equity in water supply,

2023-2024 Cohort

Owen Donnelly

Owen Donnelly

Environmental Engineering (PhD), Western University

Supervisor: Clare Robinson
Research Interests: Reactive transport modellling, groundwater quality, arsenic

2024-2025 Cohort

Tawab Balakarzai

Tawab Balakarzai

Geography (PhD), University of Victoria

Supervisor: Michele-Lee Moore
Research Interests: Water governance in arid regions, Indigenous water practices, nature-based solutions, water-related higher education

2023-2024 Cohort

Louis-Philippe Noel

Louis-Philippe Noel

Water Engineering (Master), Université Laval

Supervisor: Peter Vanrolleghem
Research Interests: Wastewater-based epidemiology, public health and environmental enigneering, water and wastewater treatment, resource recovery

2023-2024 Cohort

Abbas Seyedabbas Rasouli

Abbas Seyedabbas Rasouli

Geographical and Environmental Studies (PhD), Carleton University

Supervisor: Onita Basu
Research Interests: Water quality, wastewater treatment, adsorption, filtration, micro- and non-plastics, statistical analysis

2023-2024 Cohort

Eloisa Sia

Eloisa Sia

Civil Engineering (PhD), University of Victoria

Supervisor: Caetano Dorea
Research Interests: Non-sewered sanitation system, nutrient cycling, containment transport, global change, soil microbial activity, hydrogeology, sanitation policy and regulation

2022-2023 Cohort

Fabian Garcia

Fabian Garcia

Civil Engineering (Master), University of Victoria

Supervisor: Caetano Dorea
Research Interests: Point of use water treatment, filtration systems

2023-2024 Cohort

Cristian Garcia

Cristian Garcia

Aménagement du territoire et développement régional (PhD), Université Laval

Supervisor: Manuel J. Rodriguez
Research Interests: Quality and access to water, drinking water in extremely vulnerable environments

2024-2025 Cohort

Alice Gentleman

Alice Gentleman

Civil Engineering (Master), University of Victoria

Supervisor: Caetano Dorea
Research Interests: Drinking water treatment

2023-2024 Cohort

Aref Panjehfouladgaran

Aref Panjehfouladgaran

Civil and Environmental Engineering (PhD), Western University

Supervisor: Clare Robinson
Research Interests: Groundwater-coastal water interactions, groundwater hydrology, environmental modeling

2023-2024 Cohort

Dr. Samira Sarkardei

Dr. Samira Sarkardei

(PhD in Food Biochemistry/ Toxicology & Analytical Chemistry)

Civil Engineering (MASc), University of Victoria

Caetano Dorea
Research Interests: Biological mechanisms of biosand filters, green STEM, industrial symbiosis, philosophy of change, ecospirituality, earth charters educator

2023-2024 Cohort

Joseph Train

Joseph Train

Water Resources Engineering (Master), University of Guelph

Supervisor: Ed McBeam
Research Interests: Water treatment and distribution systems

2023-2024 Cohort

Mejbah Uddin Chowdhury

Mejbah Uddin Chowdhury

Civil Engineering (Master), University of Victoria

Supervisor: Caetano Dorea
Research Interests: Wastewater/fecal sludge treatment and resource recovery, WASH & public health, WASH in low resource or emergency settings

2024-2025 Cohort