The Red and Blue Cross Flower Guild

During the war, there was an organization in Victoria called the Red and Blue Cross Flower Guild. This was a group of ladies who would canvass the city of Victoria selling flowers to the public. The money that was raised from these sales was generally donated to both the Red Cross and Blue Cross societies. One of the most popular locations was at the Empress Hotel, where the women would sell flowers to the guests. They also took part in the popular Tag Days of the time to raise funds as well.
Flowers were donated to the group, who then sold them and gave the money collected to the Red Cross and Blue Cross to help with their wartime projects. The Guild was also involved in relief work for returning soldiers and their families. All of the women involved were volunteers and the call went out often for new helpers to join. During just one three-week period in 1915, the women raised over $400 for the two societies.
“Flower Guild Will Hold Its Tag Day.” The Daily Colonist (Victoria) 14 September 1919.
“Flower Guild’s Work: Substantial Aid Secured for Red and Blue Cross Societies – More Helpers Needed.” The Daily Colonist (Victoria). 25 August 1915.