As a first-year university student, you might feel initially overwhelmed by different aspects of university life. The size of your classes, the amount of independent work required, the types of assessments used, or the academic expectations of your course instructors might differ from previous educational institutions you’ve attended.
Some key strategies for managing overwhelm as a first-year student include determining course expectations, creating a balanced schedule, attending course lectures, and reviewing course materials.
Determine course expectations
Read through your course outline or syllabus carefully. You may also see an outline of the topics covered each week, the objectives of your course, and a list of due dates for required assignments. Ask your professors or teaching assistants if you have questions.
Create a balanced schedule
Create a weekly plan that ensures you have enough time to work on each course. Set aside at least 2 to 3 hours of course work for every hour of class time. Include time for fun, relaxation, exercise, meals, and sleep to prevent burnout. In your plan include academic deadlines, smaller progress deadlines, as well as other personal obligations.
Attend course lectures
Whether your lectures are in person or online, it’s helpful to review lecture notes, outlines, or slides before attending or watching course lectures. You may wish to have your lecture notes available so that you can add additional details.
If you have assigned readings, aim to preview those texts beforehand to make your lecture easier to understand. If your class is in person, sit in a location where you can easily see and hear your course instructor. If your lecture is online, view your lecture in a space that’s free from distractions. If the opportunity arises, befriend a classmate in each course so you can compare notes later.
Review course materials
Set aside time to periodically review your notes. If possible, form a study group to review course materials and create mock assessment questions. If you’re not sure about a course concept or learning outcome, ask for clarification from your instructor or TA during their office hours.
To learn more about this topic and to get help
Book a free in-person or Zoom appointment with a Centre for Academic Communication academic coach today!