Echo360 is a video-platform for in-person, online, blended and multi-access learning and teaching. Echo360 will be the primary video platform for creating class recordings and media.
Using Learning Technologies
Learn how to use UVic’s digital tools including Brightspace and Echo360
Engaging in discussions in Brightspace
The Brightspace Discussions Tool is a collaborative area to post, read and reply to threads on different topics, share thoughts about course materials, ask questions, share files, or work with your peers on assignments and homework.
How to succeed in an online course
Taking an online course can be challenging as there are many factors than can interfere with your study sessions while you are at home, library or a café. This blog will provide you tips on how to accomplish and achieve the goals for an online course.
Participating in class polls, in person
Instructors may include polling question slides in a class slide deck/presentation for you to answer. Read more for instructions for how students can respond to each type of polling question activity.