We have developed a self-paced Brightspace course to help you put academic integrity into practice. Each unit explores a current academic integrity challenge you might face as a student at UVic.
This course has two units “Academic Integrity 101” and “Contract Cheating Awareness”, as described below.
Academic Integrity 101
What are the learning outcomes?
As you work through this unit, you will
- define academic integrity and its values,
- explain how the values of integrity apply to your studies, academic life, and beyond,
- recognize academic integrity violations and understand how UVic responds to them, and
- identify resources to help you maintain academic integrity.
Contract Cheating Awareness
In this unit, you will explore the meaning and pitfalls of contract cheating. It is important to know about contract cheating because it can jeopardize the value of the work you do and have other negative consequences for your academic journey and beyond. Knowing a little more about this topic will hopefully empower you to recognize (and take action) when you are at risk of being targeted or harassed by a contract cheating company and make ethical decisions about your coursework.
What are the learning outcomes?
As you work through this unit, you will:
- Define contract cheating
- Differentiate contract cheating from other threats to academic integrity
- Evaluate if you are the target of contract cheating advertisements and marketing
- Reflect on contract cheating risks
- Propose an action plan with strategies to prevent contract cheating
Who should complete this course?
This course is useful for all students at UVic. We created the tutorial for undergraduate students, but graduate students are welcome to join.
How do I get help?
If you have questions about the information in this tutorial, contact the Centre for Academic Communication (CAC).
If you are experiencing barriers to learning in this course, please contact the LTSI main office to let us know so we can fix the issue. We are actively committed to increasing the accessibility, usability, diversity, and inclusivity of our course. We are always looking for ways to make our content more accessible and equitable. Adapted from the BC Campus Sample Accessibility Statement and the Bates University Sample Syllabus Accessibility Statement.
If you need technical assistance, please contact the Computer Help Desk. Email: helpdesk@uvic.ca | Phone: 250-721-7687 | Website