Simon Fraser University’s Department of Physics invites applications for NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) to be held in Summer 2025. The deadline for applications is January 24th, 2025.

SFU offers a wide range of research opportunities in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics; Biophysics and Soft Condensed Matter; Cosmology; High Energy Particle Physics; and Quantum Condensed Matter, and Quantum Information Science. Please see our List of USRA Research Projects for detailed descriptions of available research projects.

To apply:

1.  Fill out Form 202 Part 1 on-line at the NSERC website, including uploading copies of your official transcripts.
2.  Email scanned copies of the following to<>:

*  Form 202 – Part 1

*  A current, official transcript (scanned or electronic copy is ok)

*  A short statement describing your research interests and relevant work experience

*  Your NSERC reference number

Successful applications will be matched to a project. Project supervisors will complete Form 202, Part 2 so you can verify and finalize your NSERC on-line forms.

For more information, please contact<> or visit the Physics USRA webpage.