Dear Physics and Engineering Students,

The Canadian Association of Physicists is excited to announce that registration is now open for the Canadian Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics 2023, hosted by the University of Regina, January 20th-22nd, 2023.

CCUWiP is a national conference gathering physics students and professionals from across the country. Delegates will be both virtually and physically participating in plenary lectures, workshops, panels, networking activities, student poster presentations, and more. This professional conference aims to create an environment where delegates can build networks, present research, and explore career paths, while also promoting diversity and discussing minorities in physics, mental health, and 2SLGBTQ+ issues. The conference is open to all undergraduate physics or engineering physics students who are members of equity-deserving groups. For scheduling and more information, please visit the CCUWiP website.

Delegates have the option to attend virtually ($0), or apply to attend in person ($60+ tax). Both options and more information can be found here. The deadline for in-person registration/application and ALL abstract submissions is November 25th, 23h59 ET. Registration for virtual participation is open until Jan 20th.

Any questions or comments may be directed to

Thank you,
Ellen Molloy
CAP Office