Tag Archives: Sky Map

Star Night, Star Bright

Augmented reality allows for a digitally enhanced view of the real world. Before taking this class I never new what augmented reality really was, I just knew it existed it in terms of video games but did not know to what extent. Since I am not much of a gamer and have never used an augmented reality app on my IPhone this research was a real eye opener. Most of augmented reality apps that are considered the ‘Top 20’ I have found seem to be pointless for lack of a better word. I came across iOnRoad Augmented Driving and app for your IPhone that is supposed to assist with your driving. First, you are supposed to stick your IPhone to your windshield and it gives your warnings if you are getting too close to the car in front of you, lets you know how fast you’re going and warns you if you are driving off the road. Maybe its just me but I’m pretty sure my car already tells me how fast I’m going and if I’m driving consciously I shouldn’t have to have my phone tell me whether or not I’m going to hit the car in front of me or if I’m still on the road.

However, I did find a couple apps that I found to be quite interesting. I grew up checking out the stars on a clear night and have had countless constellation conversations as a kid with my family. I found an augmented reality app for IPhone called Star Walk, which allows you to see all stars, constellations and planets by simply placing your phone or tablet up towards the sky. This app is full of useful information on anything and everything. You can even exit the augmented reality feature and scroll through the sky or use the time line to see how the sky changed over time. This app would be great for a night at the cabin or even as a teaching tool in the classroom. One of the possible downfalls for this app would be its reliability. I am not much of an astronomer so I would assume that the information is correct but other specialists may not agree with what is being projected. Another similar app for Android is called Sky Map and is similar but doesn’t seem to have as many menu options as Star Walk.

Watch Star Walk Tutorial