Tag Archives: avatar

War will always exist

Whether we like it or not, war will always exist in some form. The power of having “colonized” any country, or even another world, will produce a certain amount of power urge, and will leave society wanting more power. It is just like in the movie Avatar. One who would think society was past war, and we were a more developed society is wrong.


If you are a believer or not of other living worlds outside our galaxy, we will probably not know in our lifetime if this is true. But the fact is that something may be out there, and the world will think that they are far more advanced than any other society and try and colonize it, just because they are not like “our world”. As well as to come up with ideas like what do they have, that we


In avatar they are after this rock that is worth 20 million dollars a kilogram and even though the whole world has been colonized we can still see an example of this through war and wanting to have power over countries with vast amounts of oil. Society has, is and always  will have problems which over who has more power over every other person and the movie shows us a perfect example of this.


Avatar’s vision of the future is not too far from the truth. Of course science and technology will be far more advanced than we can ever hope for. The fact is that we probably have destroyed our planet, and we might have to go and look for other places in where we can have a “better life” even if it means destroying other societies.