Self-Tracking Data Map

For this short assignment, you will use an app or another tool (even just a notepad) to track quantifiable elements of your life or behaviour for at least a week. Then you will take that data and use a software tool (Excel or Google Spreadsheets, for instance) and/or your creativity (i.e., draw it yourself) to produce a visual representation or “data map” of your personal tracking information.

Along with this visual representation, your will include a short statement of your purpose and your analysis of this data map — roughly 250 words: What was your goal in the tracking/mapping project? And what did you learn from the experience?

This data map and statement are due, in class, on March 19. The assignment is worth 10% and will be graded on its depth and originality, as well as the creative and analytic use of visual representation to make sense of personal data.

Here is a list of links to Data Visualization tools you can experiment with: