Blog / Online Forum

You will use this WordPress site for four blogging / online discussion exercises that will total 10% of your final grade.

DEADLINE: All blogging exercises are due by 9:00 am on the Wednesday of the week they are due, so I have a chance to read them before class; they can be uploaded and revised before that time, but will not be a marked until after that deadline. Late postings will NOT be marked and will get a zero. Therefore, get a jump on each assignment as soon as possible, get feedback from your group, and then revise it before the final deadline.

TIP: You will get the most out of the course and these blogging assignments if you do each week’s required (and recommended) readings and viewings early; get inspired by what you’ve read; compose and post a blog entry the weekend before class; give and receive online feedback over the next few days; and then make any final comments, links or tweaks before the Wednesday deadline.

  • Reactions / Reflections / Debates: (200-250 words)
    • Four brief musings / discussions about assigned readings, class topics and/or assigned questions
    • Designed to get you writing regularly and engaging with the class material and each other
    • Feel free to use some of the blog assignments to experiment with different media, linking to short video or audio essays that you’ve uploaded rather than just written postings
    • Marked either as Complete (2), Semi-Complete (1) or Incomplete / Late (0).
    • No marks removed for grammar / style, but, hey, it’s a public forum, so try your best!
    • 2 marks each (x4), for 8% of Final Grade
    • 2 marks for replying to other blog posts and/or generating discussion threads on our online Forum
    • Deadlines: Biweekly (mostly), by Wednesday at 9:00 am (see Syllabus)