All posts by Tetsu Ozawa

About Tetsu Ozawa


When I left Japan, I was but the learner. Now I am the master.

Blog #4 Tetsu Ozawa

They are not quite mentor because they motivate me to study my major by ignite my anger, hate, and any imaginable negative feelings. I am discussing how Japanese people use internet as a strong propaganda tools in Japanese society, and now, there is a “mentor” for Japanese young kids. There are two people and two homepages that influence Japanese student. One is the super-right wing politician Toru Hashitomo (, one is also the super-right wing politician, and former air force officer Toshio Tamogami (, the other two homepages are called Hachima-Kikou ( and Kyoko-Shinbun ( First of all, those two politicians are recognized as super-right-wing, that are keep justifying Japanese invasion of WWII, keep claiming that Nanjing massacre is a fake that is made up by Chinese government, and Japanese (as a race) is the most superior humankind that was chosen by the god. Then, why those two are important? Because those two politicians use Twitter in order to “teach” their followers that what is the “truth”. On the other hand, the two news sites often support those super right-wing politicians with spreading exaggerated or fake information that is insult Korea, China, the U.S. and even Taiwan (known as a Japan-friendly country). Especially, Kyokou-Shinbun means “Fake Newspaper” in Japanese, but still many of those Nationalist Japanese students believe in those “welcomed lie” rather than “inconvenient truth”. And more, I also consider that the Internet itself is also a Mentor for those Nationalistic movements, because all people more ore less may have nationalistic thoughts, but those ideas usually surprised by the people around them. However, internet let them connect with those Authorities and huge number of groups that are strong enough to justify their idea, and drive them into super-right-wing thought. This may be the process I must analyze and find some method to stop this cycle.

—-below this is not a part of assignment—-

this is totally off the topic, but Toru Hashimoto’s first name’s Chinese character is same as mine. I feel  ashamed a lot these days because of that fact 🙁

Ghost in the shell / which “Shell” can be appropriate?


This is not the live action, but this theme is really interesting, so I chose this as a topic. Ghost in the Shell is the Animation movie which is directed by the Sci-Fi and Mech animator Mamoru Oshii. The setting is the future world that almost all human had an implant in order to improve the work efficiency. For example, Police and Military personnel has implanted eye that has integrated HUD like Google glasses, or office workers has a hand that can transform into more than 30 fingers to type quicker. And the main character Motoko Kusanagi actually IS a Full-Cyborg (except her brain). In this world, everything, even somebody’s memory, is accessible from external force because they are all connected to the huge internet systems. Characters sometimes even do not speak and send their messages to the other member directly. Because of those super high technologies, that world improved a lot because the work efficiency improved so much. However, there are some issues occurred because they rely on technologies too much. As I said, in this movie, somebody’s memory is accessible from outside, so sometimes hackers can replace somebody’s memory in order to use them as a part of their plot. Also the heroin Motoko struggled about her identity because she is full-cyborg-ed woman soldier. Because people can replace and change where their memories are stored from brain to the other platforms, this animations also argues about the basic question, “what is human?”. The technology may improve the efficiency, and makes human lives more comvinient, but it is possible that those technology will cause the other problems about the mental or psychological identities of human.

one of the character (Batoh) who has implanted eyes.
Implanted hand that can type 30 buttons at the same ttime.



Military grade HUD for everyone?

            So far, I experienced few AR devices, mainly apple i-type devices and Nintendo 3DS. In Nintendo 3DS’s case, that is more for having fun, so it is not really serious about AR. What I experienced with my 3DS so far, is taking picture with my favorite Pokémon. On the other hand, iPad’s case, I used a program to locate zodiacs and the stars in the sky. Because this device has a system to sync my actual directions, it makes me easy to locate the stars I want to see. iPad’s camera is not strong enough to show those stars in the sky, but I can compare and point which star is which one.

            So far, when I try to locate stars, I need to carry my note PC close to the door, and run back and force in order to find out which star is which one. On the other hand, this application let me save a lot of time, and tell me the star’s name immediately. Plus, that program shows the movement of planets in the solar system. So it is very easy to distinguish between stars and planets. Few days before, I could locate one bright star I thought that is a star, but that was actually a Jupiter. I also downloaded Wikitude to try out, and this app is the one I imagined when I heard the AR first. This will overwrap the information above the camera screen. And show me how far from the building I am watching. This is very similar to the HUD in FPS or flight sims. AR devices can be useful if we use properly.

Below: How the Wikitude looks like?


However, tools and technologies do not improve our own motivations. It is said that “Guns do not kill people, people kill people”, now, I must say “AR do not cause problems, people cause problems”. It is necessary for us to educate ourselves in order to use those technologies properly. For example, In Japanese case, Japanese society accepted the Internet before they prepare and educate people how to use those technologies. And then, Japanese school kids start to use those new technologies to increase the efficiency of burying at the school. Some people use them to brainwash those kids with Nationalistic ideas. And even some criminals and rapist use those technologies to locate, and break in or destroy somebody’s house or property. If AR was released without any preparation (include the education and anti-criminal security), this technologies may give those people more opportunities to commit crime.