All posts by Jimena Villanueva


Gizmodo is an online blog that talks about technology and design. There is no specific blogger, just a selected few I think this is what makes them so versatile with the themes that they cover.  From new gadgets, visualization and info graphics, rants to how technology can improve the environment, they are known for how many different subjects they write about that interest their audience.

Gizmodo vast amount of posts helps the learner get more knowledge that is not necessary on other online sources. It is very obvious that they love gadgets of all kinds by the way the talk about them. They recognize themselves as geeks who love all sorts of old new and future technology.

They are able to communicate to their readers, through a vast amount of sources, like Facebook, Twitter, Google and Burner. I have them bookmarked on my browser and like them on Facebook, this is the way I can see and read their new articles as soon as they come in. They are passionate about what they write, which helps me and their other readers to understand and want to learn more about what they write about.

Gizmodo got a bigger reader selection after the iPhone 4 saga they had. Even though they are barred from going into any apple convention, they did not let this damper their popularity they had handled themselves in a professional matter and fully regret what happened between them. This is something that makes me look up to them more, it makes them seem like they are everyday people who commit mistakes and learn from them.

War will always exist

Whether we like it or not, war will always exist in some form. The power of having “colonized” any country, or even another world, will produce a certain amount of power urge, and will leave society wanting more power. It is just like in the movie Avatar. One who would think society was past war, and we were a more developed society is wrong.


If you are a believer or not of other living worlds outside our galaxy, we will probably not know in our lifetime if this is true. But the fact is that something may be out there, and the world will think that they are far more advanced than any other society and try and colonize it, just because they are not like “our world”. As well as to come up with ideas like what do they have, that we


In avatar they are after this rock that is worth 20 million dollars a kilogram and even though the whole world has been colonized we can still see an example of this through war and wanting to have power over countries with vast amounts of oil. Society has, is and always  will have problems which over who has more power over every other person and the movie shows us a perfect example of this.


Avatar’s vision of the future is not too far from the truth. Of course science and technology will be far more advanced than we can ever hope for. The fact is that we probably have destroyed our planet, and we might have to go and look for other places in where we can have a “better life” even if it means destroying other societies.


So I was looking for augmented reality videos and I found this TED video I saw is about a company called Aurasma. It specializes in image recognition through our cell phones and animating a still picture. Augmented reality has been able to change the way we live our everyday lives. With the help of our phones we have the ability to make them see and think the way our brain does. As Matt Mills shows us, it is a simple way to get our information faster by simple image recognition. It is something that will definitely revolutionize the way we do things. Just like he says instead of looking up online how a router works, we could simply take a screenshot of it and our phones will recognize this and give us a video showing how to use it. This new technology makes still images live and some even 3-D something we never thought it be possible in our lifetime, or at least I never thought it would be possible.

He also talks how the classroom can change, it can become a more interactive class where children would be more apt to engage and see how this works. Therefore an increase in the engagement in children and what they are learning.  I think this type of augmented reality really helps in the advancement of how children will learn in the future.

This is an amazing opportunity for us and life as we know it. There is great potential in this side of augmented reality how could we resist in making something 3-D ourselves or make a still picture animated! It will definitely change society something like this, as instead or just taking a picture we can connect more people and in a way be more creative in what we want to share with everyone else.


Hello, My name is Jimena (think of he-men-ah), I’m in my fourth year doing a major in Hispanic Studies and a minor in Technology.  I feel technology is such a big part of us in our everyday lives that i thought doing a minor would have to be something essential for the future.  Something interesting about technology I would like to talk about would have to be how this new era of technology and what will come after will affect newer generations in their development.